
WHAT?! You employer??? Daaaamn. Good call on mailing them back their garbage!

Did she join?

Nothing can be taken granted in 2016, it has been insane. The fact that we’re surprised at his guilty verdict says it all.

YES!!!! I had a similar experience in the Summer of 2000, I was 19. I was walking down Newbury street and approached by a nice girl, about my age or older.

He needs to moisturize his hands...So ashy! Get it together Nick!

Well, shit. Now I know what I will be doing the last two hours of work. OMG.

I will definitely look it up when I get home. I’m sure I’m not the only one who needs a course on this issue. Thanks for the info!

This is AWESOME, thank you!

Thanks for clarifying!

What impact does redistricting have on voting? I’m very confused. In my mind, if you go vote, you vote and it counts. Obviously, that’s not the way it works in this situation.

This is going to get really ugly, especially once Trump takes over. Stay tuned, folks.

You and I both...

His approval rating have gone up since the electoral college placed him as president. So, I wouldn’t start that party, just yet.

It’s gonna be a rough 4- 8 years... I really do believe that we will have 8 years under this guy. No doubt.

Good question...I’m glad that the NY Times is sticking to their guns. Given that his most current method of getting out his message is through YouTube, it be will a lot easier for him to continue undermining the media. These are interesting days.

Yeah, I had to deactivate my FB account. I definitely feel like I need to step back and regroup. It hasn’t been a healthy week for me...emotionally, nutritionally or physically. I feel SO angry and powerless.

Shit, we’re all a mess.

I went to my local bar for a beer, it was dead silent in there...every one of us hunched over our beer. Went for coffee today, same shit. Making eye contact in my town is hard, it’s depressing AF out here.

Do we have enough for Jezzie meet up?!