
Yes. I don't know why, but it kills me...And the comments give me life!!!

Damn, Dascha!!! Thank you!!!! What should be a simple explanation, becomes a history lesson. When people ask me why I classify myself as Afro-Latina, I just show them pictures of my maternal side of the family, then it clicks. They always get it, after the first great-grandmother.

Girl, I feel you. Like Zendays hasn’t been picked on enough from the tone of her skin to weight. These women need to simmer down.

Oh yeah! I hear you in that one! As a Dominican, I got DRAGGED for not having an ass, hips or thighs...SMH, my self-esteem got destroyed. And during college, not so much teasing. Just the amazement that I would eat/drink all sorts of stupid stuff and remain a twig. Now, a glass of wine goes straight to my butt (and

Klausner needs to chill the fuck out. Zendaya is still young and her body will continue to shift as she matures. I was 5'3" and 100lbs at her age and skinny throughout my childhood. Now, at 35, not anywhere near that weight. Let her live.

4 out the 5 police officers killed last week, were shot by white males. I want to see the receipts about these shootings connected to a fucking video. I really would. Also, how quickly people forget about Bruce Springteen’s “41 Shots”, I’m sure no one will be boycotting his concerts any time soon...

Looks like the same size as my husband’s...#whyarethedishesinthesink #theresnowoodforthestove #notthatkindofwood

My thought when I read the article “Huh, that’s interesting...”



Running. I’m definitely not doing enough.

Both, definitely.

I totally would...

Ah, yes...This reminds me of a funny thing that happened to my in KY. I was working in a base in KY this summer and per usual, on Friday’s I would drive down a strip and stop to get a bottle of wine. I would usually stop at the most convenient one, which was owned by a family who was of Indian descent? One day, for


YES!!!! I lost weight while I was away over the summer. OMFG, all anyone would say was “you lost weight! you look amazing!” “You look soo tiny!”

Yes, in theory. If a size 10, non-overweight BMI looking to get to a 2, admitted that it was about looking a certain way, she would be crucified in these parts.


“There are a lot of people in this courtroom who know what happened too.”

Oooh...Pretty! I would def wear those!