
Infographic would had work better.

I guess in Colombia we know what you mean juts slightly smaller: Transmilenio Bogota

Any reason to drop the video version, or you are doing casting for sexy girls to appear on the video version?

Could someone explane what this of Replacement Refs? and newbie for NFL.

I think they fail to dont have a download option.

That Picture its from Colombia Transmilenio.

English pretty much every body know to read it. Spanish the UN legal Language and Chinese a lot of Asian know to read it. That the reason i guess they have doze three languages.


Wore this on the movie?

The thing its that they are aliens they dont know what its is to plat a oscar-worthy possum. And second you should know that humans are so advances that thet have memory cards and USB memory, banana gut dont know whats that thet dont need it. lol

Mixture of flash forward whit out the forward, and lost in space. lol

The best is lou ferrigno.

Thank you i definily have to have to doble and triple check before a submit any thing juts to be shore. Thank you a lot. I love io9 and fallow Kotaku and Lifehacker.

No, thats the reason why I have to start doble check before a hit submit. Am Spanish and English Creole, bit its not a excuse. []

Riddick: I guy that was working back stage told me that they finish work and know ask Vin says that are in post production so that mean all the problems that they had to the beginning was solve know we have to wait like a year till this stage of the movie finish because by its a special effect movie it delay a lot.

sorry forget that last 1 minute. like if you didn't saw what i comment.

The real deal if they wore MIB the person was erase so he don't know what question ether there name nothing apart that they did not have no facial hair.

Now playing

The movement of the guys and the tatus and in reference of [] and thet use it as pre games show saying that they are ready for war.

I know will bring yo this two team : Buttercup, Muttations i guess they did have such a long movie to show all that bit a lot thing you say that they miss are importante on the book story and of course by men that its a adaptation well we cannot expect more.

Just watch the movie and stop complaining.