
Sometimes i think that Walter its experiencing the same stuff like Olivia remembering thing but he doze not wanna say it. But of course never know if in the last 7 episodes they will show something like this.

yes sorry am Spanish and i know i need to improve, thank you to remind me.

In you watch the movie a The Big Year i think they do reference to this bird its the beloved bird of Brad Harris on the movie. And i dont know but i think i did not see the name of the bird.???

All what they say in this post it not that its imposible just that to keep the movie in the right rathing thet cannot do it, witch it just normal for adaptations.

Its could be part of the back story. because its clare that she its dead and that when they wore trying to go back in the UnderGound facility thing went from bad to worts and wrong so lest see what happen in this movie.

Four number: 1984 lol jajajajaj

Of curse if you read the buck the dress its nothing cute till they light it. That was clare the dress that should be cool its the one of the first interview of Kacpic and the second one. But as i read this first dress its not cute, till its start on fier.

I could not stop thinking on that while a watch the show, wao so i wasn't the on lies one whit that feeling.

Hi well i was watching the show today whit my wife and i could keep out of my mind the legend of Alfred Hitckock beause he did a movie name Rear Window and this chapter of PI look os like it.

From all the movies i did not saw 5 of them and for me all the rest wore great, in spanish you have a quote that says: entre gustos no hay disgustos, of course people like doze movies and that couples say it wasen good it doez not mean every body say the same.

See to believe have to wait to say any thing bout this movie.

hey @Oldwookiee gracias i was like crazy looking for connections about the Journey 2 i talk that i had connection whit Race to Witch Mountain but nothing todo. thank you.

Changing subject: Why does the movie name Journey 2? were the Journey, did not find a thing in MDB?

Lol this line its great: He created it for a secret government division, called Division. Which is now under the oversight of an oversight agency, called Oversight. They believe in calling things by their names, on Nikita.