Narratively jarring: ME3. Sorry folks, it just still is. Please don’t hate me.
Narratively jarring: ME3. Sorry folks, it just still is. Please don’t hate me.
This is the bit that introduced me to Mr. Show at 15 years old. Bob and David shrug it off as a dumb, easy gag, but I still remember how hard I laughed in the middle of an otherwise forgettable special.
If James Gunn’s redemption is worthless then all redemption is worthless.
Gunn wasn’t slow to apologize—he acknowledged his stupidity and apologized for all of it in 2012.
If I ever find out Tim Gunn is a “handsy man,” I’m giving up on humanity, and moving to that massive dog sanctuary in Costa Rica.
I remember this and side-eyed him for a long time but more recently had read things that indicated that it was a false accusation. I normally side-eye the idea of false accusations pretty strongly, but the fact that Anderson was so prominent and lauded for Blackish made me believe that he was okay./naive(?)
In terms Trump supporters might understand: Your boy is a weak little pussy, and while you were busy owning the libs, your idiot leader just got owned by Russia.
This almost made me cry when that officer literally turned his back on her.
“We’ve seen this community change,” is racist coded language for black people started moving in.
right, she said she only knew him from their time filming, in which she found him to be an incredible craftsman. she didn’t say “oh but guys he’s such a good actor, let’s ignore him diddling teenagers”
her “crap” response? she said she didn’t know. she said she didn’t know him. why do you automatically assume she’s lying?
why does her response matter, though? why are we holding her accountable and pressing her on the actions of a shitty man?
Exactly! I read that sentence and it was a record scratch-full stop moment. Threw me off completely.
Michelle Pfeiffer is still the best Catwoman, and I don’t see anyone dethroning her.
I can answer about Falcon. He has no family. Nobody to come home to. Both Hawkeye and Ant man have families in the MCU.
You’re insane.
Shit... in the time I refreshed the screen, you made the same comment as me :(
...I want to see this done, but just with older soundbites now. Like when Anakin’s bemoaning that Padme didn’t notice him in AotC, JarJar breaks out Coach McGurk’s “Women are insane” explanation for him.
Many of the same problems are in WW as there are in the others and if it was called Wonder Man and Chris Pine was the superhero lets be honest the film be closer to 60-70 percent favorable review range.