
Yeh, Billy Bush got railroaded. Its obviously the job of ‘Access Hollywood staff’ to pander to and flatter some of the most God-awful people on the planet for the show. You thought they wouldn’t laugh along with gross comments from misogynist pigs during interviews? ‘Access Hollywood’ was never about moral integrity.

He said it’s a bit of a witch hunt?!? GET HIM!!!

That’s...actually a pretty damn spot on comparison in a number of regards.

I clearly said it wasn’t a big deal to me you illiterate.

 You’re a moron. What you said isn’t even remotely the same thing. I also wasn’t complaining, moron. Just stating facts.

The other day I realized that Terry Crews would be the best possible option to play Patton Oswalt in a Patton Oswalt biopic.  Ideally Mr. Crews would play him at all ages.

“Justin Bieber is the world’s biggest artist”

I think it’s intentionally embracing uncanny valley here.

Yeah, I have no idea why the writer is so appalled by this. It’s very timely to bring this audio of Trump into the light again as he tries to hide it.


The girlies Mike likes are....

I’m not familiar with that commenter, though I see who you mean based on a Google search. That may be true. I don’t think this guy is trolling in the traditional sense though. I’d be very surprised to find that he doesn’t believe what he’s arguing.

Based on the volume and content of his posts in the last week alone? I do believe Tomato Face is back.

Sigh. I know, I know. I’m wondering how this Red Pill refugee got out of the greys to begin with. Wasn’t hiding people like him supposed to be the one actual advantage to Kinja?

Jesus Christ you are stupid and gross

Fuck off with that bullshit argument. Women (and men) should be able to walk down the street in a bikini and not suffer a single catcall or other bullshit.

Fox News also condemned Nigel Farage’s comments on consigning non natives in the UK to camps. However they continue to keep him on and pay him.

They’re pissed that he’s defending a sexual predator from outside the company.

Yeah, that’s hard to process, really.

Ah, damn. First season was amazing, up until maybe the last episode where it did kind of seem like they ran out of money. What are the chances this is a negotiating tactic, a la Lynch two years ago?