
I've pretty much given up hope on DC. It's just been one disappointment after another. Including Man of Steel, the New 52, the lack of a lead female character (Wonder Woman, for example) in any major film or TV show. And, sorry guys, but I'm not a fan of Arrow (What's the point of a super hero series where none of

The fact that all DC animation from this point on will be based on New 52 stories.

Go Wii U! jkjk

Agreed, and in my opinion it still remains Nintendo's best Mario game ever released.

I've yet to personally know anyone who got it all in the first go. Most started it right after finishing it because they had no clue what the heck had happened.

Maybe not "the point", so much as the entire feel and vibe. Talk about the single most relentlessly depressing, vile, hateful, disgusting movie to come along in a long, long time. The original Evil Dead was violent, but it was also shamelessly campy and weird in a fun way, and the remake... the remake is just

Missing the point completely

The real story here is that The Kids in the Hall is expiring! :( :( :(

Actually, I don't call BS on that explanation. "In our galaxy, the word 'parsec' means something different" is perfectly fine.

Now playing

Right, and his stereo has three or four extra quads per channel. Sure :)

Say what you want but that looks awful

I think it may be possible, however unlikely, that celebs can make a decision based on more than one determining factor. Almost like regular people do.

Person of Interest Season 1 and 2

Just now started watching Season 2 of this crazy as hell show that just didn't get a fair chance. (No, I don't think it's purely coincidence I started watching it after I watched the latest "Hobbit" movie...)

hey kid is my grande double shot latte ready yet or what!


The three best television shows on the air right now are Adventure Time, Archer and The Venture Bros. Nothing else comes within striking distance.

The fact they're able to make episodes in a week's time like live-action shows is mindbottling. Not to mention the content they're able to get away with. It amazes me how they continue to raise the bar creatively. More often than not when they swing for the fences and take big risks, they succeed.

YOOO. I put that bitch in her place with the whole "Who's baby is it?" thing. It was awesome. I think she's gonna try and kill me.

I guess people who can figure out to 'play' minecraft.