
Hey MoviePass, you don’t have to track me. I’ll just tell you. After I see a movie, I sit alone in a Walmart parking lot and eat Taco Bell.

“Sir, are you sure you really want me to take you to Jersey? That’ll cost you $1700, and besides, you’re obviously drunk.” —Uber Driver who is not terrible

One of my main fears is that the movie won’t even “tell her story” at all, but just be a background to what’s going on with Brad and Leo. Then again, everyone just assumes Sharon Tate will just be a murder victim in this movie. Maybe it takes place before those events transpired, which would make her a living,

Just because a horrible thing happened to Sharon Tate doesn’t mean that her story doesn’t deserve to be told. I am a fan of Tarantino, and I like all off his movies and half of “Death Proof.” When I heard the subject matter of his next film about a year ago, my first thought was a disappointed “why?”

Oh that’s great. I wrote a hit play and directed it, so I’m not sweating it either.

They call it “souping.”

The rest of her costume.

A kind person would not clone their son or their daughter. No, a pet is not a child, but to me there’s a gulf between “loved like a child” and “soulless accessory.” “She’s dead. Make me two more!” There’s no love in this act, only selfishness. And then to share about it in print and on social media is complete hubris.

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As a practicing white person, can I suggest Ben Affleck? Or, Chad would work as well.

I think they thought it was funny when the white guy said it, but found it unnecessary and potentially alienating to sensitive white audiences when black characters said it in normal conversation.

lol, oh damn. Respect. Old Days is the shit.

Lol very impressive. You get an Oscar, coincidentally.

He’s half right. The characters are from another age and time, and aside from Batman, Wonder Woman, and The Flash, DC filmmakers have struggled to bring them into our time and show their power and relevance. That’s not the characters’ fault, that’s a failure of the filmmakers.

Without looking: what films won best screenplay (original or adapted) for any year you can think of? Can you name one? Maybe. Can you name five? Doubtful. Have you ever had a debate years later over a best screenplay win, and how it undeservedly robbed another screenplay of the rightful win? I haven’t.

While we’re on the subject: Chicago SUCKS.

He seems to be implying that the escape pod our heroine takes at the end of Paradox is the falling object we see in the Coney Island footage at the end of the original Cloverfield movie. That doesn’t make any sense?

Finn and Poe do have chemistry, an impressive amount to me considering the characters were not even written that way.

Craig DiGregorio understood Evil Dead. I know it’s Robert Tapert’s baby, but I’m less optimistic for the premiere of season 3 than I was of seasons 1 and 2.

When Rose kissed Finn, it took me out of the movie. I was just thinking, “What about Poe? That’s bullshit.”

The Beastie Boys recorded at least 10 other songs, possibly more. Maybe we can use one of those next time?