
SHIT + POOP = ???

If the prequels existed independently without encroaching all up into the original trilogy, then people would hate them a lot less. It’s like putting ketchup on french toast. I guess you could, and Chef Lucas always intended for there to be ketchup on your french toast. And maybe you like both ketchup and french

While not getting into a discussion of the adaptation’s quality, or lack thereof, watching Frank Darabont’s The Mist both in color as released, as well as his approved black and white version, I think being in black and white improved the film or at the very least distinctly changes the movie’s feel. If George Miller

Not a big fan in particular, but writing a catchy pop song is not easy to do, and she won’t stop doing it.

Was it good? I played a demo and all I remember is seeing a nipple or two. Not a judgment, I just have selective memory.

I like them. Are they bad?

Well, maybe indentured servitude is more accurate.

Doesn’t enslaving Silver Surfer as his “herald” make him slightly villain-esque? Galactus can eat all the planets he wants without messing in other people's biz.

The add on media server option still compares poorly to that of the robust capability of my PS3. And there was nothing wrong with the XMB. I love my PS4 for gaming, but for me it's still a step backwards in most other capabilities.

Captain Phasma is a woman? Not a spoiler.

I get that people want something that plays like “new”, but with this real time combat system I’ve lost interest. Could someone point me towards a good contemporary RPG that utilizes a more traditional ATB type battle system? Especially one close to FF X as that’s still my favorite turn based system out of any RPG

Normal people don’t pick up on odd racial cues, but your brain does. Even when you’re 99.99% sure you’re just reading into things or being crazy, it’s still there people can’t help it. I think it would be silly to ignore it.

Wawa eggnog is nectar of the Gods.

There is room for two girls on TV.

Would be better with Dire Straits - Money For Nothing.

I'd say he IS, but the headline is saying few would argue is is, which is the opposite of what I think they meant to say.

Turkey truly is the Philadelphia of the international community.

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that Spider-Man is Spider-Man done right.

Go home dictionary, you're drunk.