
Vanilla Sky is a wonderful film. Superior to the original. Crowe made a truly underrated film that while not perfect, is supremely interesting and layered. People take issue with ONE SCENE that they say layers on the exposition too thick, to which I say "it's perfectly fine." You don't even have to take that

Amanda Waller is already on Arrow. Any other Amanda Waller, Oliver Queen, or Barry Allen is an imposter.

I'm going to go with the New 52 Supergirl. Actually pretty hilarious. Or sad. How can they get the top half so right, and the bottom half SOOOO WRONG? Yes, the shirt is tight, but it's not unseemly. The logo is awesome in my opinion, the long sleeves are cool, and the cape fastened at the collar is genius. That said,

Believe it or not, I think I might actually get it. thanks!

But isn't it logical that the set of all even numbers includes "2", "4", and every other even number? So wouldn't an infinite set of all possible numbers include all possible numbers? For instance, if I had a hypothetical infinite list of all possible numbers, is there a kind of number that is missing from my list?

But, if these are 2 lists being created concurrently, I suppose that each number written in turn would not equal the one from the other list, and one list would always have more numbers than the other. Is this the basic understanding of the proof? That in those circumstances one person's infinity would always be

That makes a lot of sense, thanks. But I still can't wrap my head around the original inference, as Trufula carus says, that my infinite list of numbers (obviously theoretical and impossible to physically produce) does not include a number. My list is then, by definition, FINITE, is it not?

I still don't understand. Say I have a list containing infinite numbers. You argue a certain complex number is not on my list, I respond "Of course it is." Then I point at my list at the number. I can tell you every sequential number before and after the number you gave me. My list is infinite. It already contains

Never watched Gundam, but my last name is Sandrock.

I think it looks good, but is The Last Ship a good name for a show? Tell me if it is... But it seems like it might be a bad title? It seems kind of bland, and I bet there's at least one other ship on the show. Maybe it's taken from a speech in the pilot? Maybe it's a great title and I can't tell? But probably not?

"If there's only one canon, then they're not going to be able to tell Han's origin story twice, right?"

I swear to God, that OKAO video is the exact video that plays in the beginning of the movie that has machines become sentient and brutally destroy its own creators, and that movie is REAL LIFE.


Nope, I still would have liked to see a ragtag team of dinosaurs travel down a river to find and kill a reclusive mysterious legendary dino-Kurtz or something crazy like that. Instead it'll be a movie about dinosaurs in a theme park that get out of control, and escape and try to eat the park's inhabitants. I liked

I think Hugh Jackman is important enough as Wolverine to FOX to have some pull to make something like this happen. If anyone can make it happen, he can. Although I am still doubtful it will happen, which is a shame. Too many lawyers, not enough MCs.

I think he meant "interject with smarmy condescension."

It's a jacket.

What else would you like to talk about?

I guess he's using the patch....