
You might be onto something.

Oh. YES.

I'm an unapologetic Richard Kelly fan. I heard from everyone how bad "The Box" was so I put off seeing it. I bought it for a dollar and change on Walmart Black Friday, and for about 97% of the movie I was really blown away, and then for me it just falls apart somehow. There's something off about the way it's

That's why Superman and Batman are superheroes and not lunatic vigilantes. They are above the law.

I agree to a large extent. Without the DLC model Blood Dragon would not exist, and The Walking Dead game would not exist in its amazing episodic format. This new breed of DLC is like a half step between current came and the next in the series that hasn't come out yet. Developers can be adventurous and take chances,

How amz I stops this?

Twin Snakes is shit on at every turn. Not available anywhere except inflated used GameCube game prices on eBay. I always hear it's not considered canon because it was handled by an outside studio. Now he just wants it remade again by another outside studio. I don't understand.


Japanese people live in the world just like the rest of us. They can produce as much whitewashed entertainment as they like, and I'll continue to be completely underwhelmed by it.

Then I guess Japanese people should really endeavor to meet more black people in their day-to-day lives. Or turn on the news. Or watch a film. Or read a book. Or play Final Fantasy VII.

Thank you, doctor.

Just an observation. Fantasy is a powerful word. It's anything one can possibly imagine. Apparently in this game we're imagining there are only Caucasian non-Asian looking Japanese people living in Japan, but don't worry it's not really Japan. It's just like Japan.

I love black people!

And so will everyone else. I hope it will be a great game.

It's not a bother at all. But X in its design says to me "take your time" while XIII to me says "hurry up!" It's just a personal preference. I don't like 1st person shooters, but I love the Fallout VATS system.

Well, at least there are no blacks. White magic, indeed.

I also loved the materia system, but I accepted the fact that I would never see it again because the makers of the games love to change things just for the sake of changing things. I liked Advent Children and XIII was sold to me the same way. I don't care if XV looks like Advent Children if it isn't also a turn based

That is true, and they pride themselves on this fact. I just think they should do one well before they change the recipe. Mixed metaphors! The last one they did well was X. Then they did an mmorpg and XII which was way different and well like by some (not me) but was also very divisive. They're like liars who keep

If I ever have to switch paradigms one more time in my short little life... Well, I'll be very upset. Final Fantasy X allowed you to stop mid battle with out pausimg and go make a sandwich. You could think over your next move as long as you wanted. It was like chess, except way more Japanese. No other game had the

As a rebuttal: YES.