
That is very true. FFX is the only RPG where I liked every character, but Kimahri was unusable to me because I did not invest time in him.

People can bitch, but at least the game wouldn't suck. Doesn't have to be FFX. Take any traditional Final Fantasy RPG battle system! Use what works! Just keep the VIII, X-2, XI, XII, XIII, and XIII-2 garbage out of my face. I only say X because 1. I like it very much, and 2. That was the last time they didn't screw it

"Action RPG"? PASS. FFX: best battle system ever. Rewarded patience and strategy and allowed you to basically use any of your characters in battle at any time. Square Enix please just copy what works. Stop trying to "improve" Final Fantasy. Only make sequels to games players enjoyed, and then only if you actually

What's a touch pad? Something that ducks walk on?

Every Monday night used to be Double Dash night at my place.

I miss my GameCube.

I don't know how to feel about that. I hated Bayonetta. But I know what you're saying. It makes me think back to when Gamecube got the Resident Evil 4 exclusive. The publisher quickly had second thoughts and released it more widely to the PS2, the console of the people.

The best games will always go to the best selling console.

Why do I need a law degree to understand whether I can lend a game to a friend after I beat it?

Well, nobody else did it. This kid did it.

It's been a while since I played them, but I'm pretty sure there aren't any QTE's in Uncharted. Am I wrong? I know what you mean, these big events happening all around you (The building you're in literally being shot apart in 2, and the floor tilting). I can see that maybe happening too much so that it doesn't mean

Hard to argue with that. What else comes close? Seriously, what else?

Falling from the sky and being stuck in the desert is is one of the most amazing video game/entertainment/storytelling pieces I've ever experienced. One incredible moment after another.

That one intrigued me. I thought the idea was interesting that when you died, you died, then you had to control someone else to pick up your stuff.

I'm all for that idea as well, boring or not.

Is it like that? I got the impression that it didn't take things very seriously. Which is fine! But, that's not what I'm looking for.

I should specify, I played Telltale's The Walking Dead and it's one of the greatest games I've ever played.

Is there one first-person zombie game in existence where the only enemies are slow moving classic zombies in extraordinary numbers that is actually good? I've been waiting a long time for some kind of zombie apocalypse simulator where you are thrust into a world overrun by zombies, and they can't run, use weapons,

As I recall, the story of Dead Space 1 was just me running around to different parts of a ship fixing things. I think he could make a good Dead Space movie, but this is a no-win situation. If it doesn't follow the game exactly he'll be criticized. Escape From New York, Halloween, and The Thing were his own vision. If

Because it was stapled to the chicken.