
Was he Press Ganged into doing it?

I think he’s got ‘Mother’s’ voice running through his head non-stop,’ hold on my boy, won’t be much longer now’. It’s an Angela Lansbury thing.

Dillane did a great job as Stannis. Icy, competent, authoritative, obsessed with justice. It was the writers who ruined his character by having him burn his beloved daughter to death. That didn’t turn me against Dillane’s performance, but it WAS the dumbest thing GOT has done. Yes, even worse than the Jaime Cersei

You forget their comeback, “It’s a gateway drug.”

I like your style, but I think I prefer he have a stroke and spend a decade in a chair shitting himself while Jared and Ivanka wipe him.

My birthday is this weekend and when asked what I want, I just say I want this festering bubble of orange shit to have a fatal stroke.

I propose to turn twitter over to Ashley Feinberg. She’s the only person we all need to follow.

When my mom passed away, the woman we found out later my father was banging on the side (his fucking secretary to boot) showed up to the a red dress.

On the day that donald trump dies, I will say to myself “I am sad that donald trump is dead, for I will never get to experience the joy of finding out he died ever again.”

Well I hate him being President even more than he does.

While I am not advocating poltical violence, I look forward to the day when I will be able to dance on that orange motherfucker’s grave. I realize there will be a line, but I am preparted to wait.

I will dance and sing the day Trump is assassinated or dies from some cardiovascular issue. I don’t care how it happens, I want that orange piece of shit in a fucking grave.

Black Phillip approved*

At least we got a great film out of the relationship.

Oh Golden Globes, Get Out was a documentary, events happened in real time.

I think it lessens the incentive for people to apologize for and make up for past mistakes if people refuse to give them even the slightest bit of credit for doing so.

I know it won’t matter to most people, but this is a really good statement and exactly how these things should be done.