
What if a despotic monarchy took over Saudi Arabia? That would be terrible.

I’m a successful black man. I don’t go out of my way looking to play victim. I’ve endured racism my entire life and feel that I have overcome it. I feel sorry for racists. I am NOT a revolutionary. So, please, hear me when I say fuck all of you who are aware that “all lives matter” is considered racist to many black

i dont think people get it. but great penthouse forum reference

The drummer jokes always come in late.

Whatever you do, don’t ask why white people are given so much more lenient sentences for the same crimes while the book is thrown at black people. Don’t ask why a white kid who kills people while drunk driving can be released to his parents because of “affluenza” while a black kid who does the same thing will be tried

It’s not an investigative piece genius. It’s an op-ed piece about 1 person’s experiences and opinions. Do you need to do research about how you feel about something?

I don’t think the point is “this is a Pokemon Go specific thing” but rather “oh, look, yet another thing for POC to worry about doing in public”.

You are seriously underestimating what black people feel afraid of.

False, it is beer for a specific occasion. That occasion is any time you want to drink 10+ beers without feeling like you are dying.

But Cho is straight and Nu-Sulu is gay, and Takei is gay and TOS Sulu was straight. It’s more of a nod to the original actor. They’re also going to shave Chris Pine’s head and have him wear a toupe in the next movie :)

you don’t know what you’re talking about. europe’s been doing that for a while with relatively few problems.

He then jumped into his Lambo, yelled, “Lexit!” and promptly crashed into a wall - that absolutely everyone saw was there all along - massively depreciating the car’s value.


I'm going to need context... and video... as to how you found out about that. It doesn't seem like something that would come up in conversation much.

Your editor really shouldn’t have canned Wes Siler and his infinitely wild site. He knew all about venturing into the wilds and spending some time in the bush.

That’s a terrible cooking tool. It’s single-point heat on a very small surface area. You’d wind up with tiny charred lines on the surface of the chicken, and raw meat everywhere else. If he wants to make a long-range chicken cooker, he needs to invent a ranged microwave rifle.

Every time I see someone bitch about someone’s SJW comments I think, “well here’s a racist, bigoted fuck.”

It must be hard being so vigilant all the time. Most assholes get to relax on occasion, but you seem puckered up and ready to shit out something pointlessly vile at all times.

No, more like, “here’s a thing you can burn with a giant laser.”