
I’m waiting to see the unretouched photos to see how sexist our scientific media is.

You’re right. So don’t stop exercising. Don’t think of it as the thing you have to do to change your body. Think of it as the new lifestyle you’re taking up to make your life better. And find exercises you enjoy.

She is also very good, but I don’t think a song like that is comparable to operatic singing. It’s a much higher level of skill which takes many years for most people to master. The girl above is going to be an amazing opera singer... one day. As it is, she has a beautiful voice.

Considering the shitshow that he helped to put the country through in the 1990's, I think pointing out the hypocrisy is perfectly fine.

I am Brazilian and I resent the description of Brazil as a banana republic. Banana republics don’t deserve to be offended and denigrated like that by being compared to our shitty country.

Counterpoint: Build permanent venues in Athens.

He’s 16, she’s 15, and by all accounts it was consensual.

Also I have it on good authority that those high end designer soaps you buy may in fact be made from liposucked body fat stolen from the outpatient surgery centers...

So I shouldn’t buy the new “Asparagus” Body Spray by Axe?

No, I don’t care if it’s a private sporting venue. This is disgusting and it’s pure slovenliness and the people who attended and left this should be a little ashamed. This is like me going to the movie theater, getting drink and popcorn, and at the end just throwing it all on the ground and expecting staff to deal

Congratulations. You’ve thoroughly and officially bought into this bullshit.

You can either have a soul or you can use “ask” as a noun, but not both.

You can either have a soul or you can use “invite” as a noun, but not both.

I don’t think she’s blaming others, she’s just highlighting the influence they had on her—she knows that she wasn’t very politically aware, and because she didn’t know enough about it to earnestly care about the issues, she used what resources were near at hand—her family and her boyfriend. I’m glad you made the

Her brother though, what a bad-ass

Take off, nuke the site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.

My uncle used to tell me this story all the time about his experience with bullying during his time in HS.

Because we wimmin can’t understand anything more than makeups and gossip or!

That was an amazing read, thanks for posting the link.

Seitan is also an excellent ingredient to sneak into dishes for your so-called gluten-intolerant and/or Celiac friends. It's just pure gluten. Either they have no issue and you get to call them on their bullshit, or it kills them soundly. It's kind of a one-shot, but it's effective.