
Good shoes. Cheap, crappy shoes don't last long, start to squeak, and look like hell quickly. Find yourself at least some Cole Haans on sale - you don't need to spend $250 on that pair you saw at Macy's, hold out for an Amazon sale and pick them up for $120. Cedar shoe tree that ish, rotate between 2-3 pairs of

Why in the world should the news have anything to do with what you want to see?

I would argue that another holiday tradition for many is not getting murdered by the police and then having the police get off without so much as even a trial. Sometimes the news supercedes things. It wouldn't have killed them to push it or air it a different night.

I work with black inner city special needs children everyday. My job is very stressful and depressing. Albert writes funny cooking columns on weekends. They cheer me up. That is what Albert does for black America. Columns like this make me realize that other people out there are trying to help black people too.

Edgy stance, brah.

Somebody missed the point...

Except his killers were charged & indicted, and at trial they'll go away for decades if not be put to death. Unlike these killer cops who straight up walked, usually without a trial. You ignorant dumbass. Think for 2 seconds.

Of all of the really stupid comments in the grays that I read because I hate myself, I want to single this one out because I think it's truly a monumental achievement in tone-deafness to imagine that young black men are being more detrimentally affected by sympathetic Deadspin articles than by being MURDERED.

If you're a white person who doesn't brutalize people of color, maybe just bask in that knowledge of your goodness and quit playing the fucking martyr and trying to make it All About You when p.o.c. are hurting.

LOOOOOOOOOOOOL! "Convenient" how you have to go all the way back to 1994 to find a case where a black guy was acquitted!

You might want to explain that to the people criticizing the rioters because they believe it's only black people that are rioting and of course they conflate black people with thuggery.

intentionally throwing? they used the FACTS - you're just a media sheep and the actual story doesn't fit with what you were fed and the ideology some people/sites have tried to push.

So, let me get this straight: Missori cops want to punish black men for putting their hands up and saying "Don't shoot." Hrm.

I picture all of them looking like this.

First, take a deep breath .... deeper than that....well done

"I shall avenge you!"

Alan Cumming was doing Cabaret in 1998 and now he's back at it. I'm sure Mitchell will be brilliant once again.

listen, Mark, you seem like a good guy and a funny fellow. So I'm really sorry that you're getting the brunt of my bad day. But for the love of God.

that "odd stress ball" is my husband

And the works of P. D. Q. Bach still remains in obscurity.