This feels like a bipolar-off-meds situation. In which case I want to buy this family a thorazine dart gun for Christmas.
This feels like a bipolar-off-meds situation. In which case I want to buy this family a thorazine dart gun for Christmas.
What grouping do the hospital ships Mercy and Comfort fall under? I don’t see them here.
Go for Old Man’s War. I loved Redshirts, but it’s really a love letter to Star Trek. Old Man’s War just requires that you like good, snarky storytelling and action.
It was so wonderful! He had an actual talk with every person that came up, and we were two people from the end of the line.
I watched this after waiting over an hour after a David Sedaris reading in my hometown to get a book signed and it was the most perfect ending an evening could have had.
Yes, but Now Me doesn’t have the same deadline anxiety for extra motivation that Future Me will have.
Thanks, Lifehacker!
Thank God someone beat me to this. Well done.
You know Manhattan's in the real world too, right?
All I know is, among Mexicans I have known (specifically a BOH staff who were primarily from Puebla) there wasn't anything ambiguous about the usage.
The thing is, Mexicans are the majority of the Spanish-speaking community in the US, by a vast margin.
Yeah, I shouldn't complain. I've got a full time job (not exactly music related), but I've been gigging steadily on the side and feel like I'm starting to pick up steam as a performer in demand. As one of my early voice teachers told me, "It's a tough row to hoe, but it's worth it."
I actually feel really fortunate…
They forgot the weekly existential crises and constant struggle to improve. Anyone who tells you it's fun is wrong. It's fulfilling, it's challenging, it's wonderful, and on the best days, yes, it's a whole hell of a lot of fun. But that's not why you do it.
I love checking these just to make sure that yes, my major is always near the bottom of the list.
The Marines use an annual Physical Fitness Test as well as a specialized Combat Fitness Test for that reason. The PFT is Pull-Ups/Flexed Arm Hang, Crunches, and a Timed Run. The CFT has "Movement to Contact," "Ammunition Lifts," and "Maneuver Under Fire." It's a whole lot of running, lifting, crawling, carrying and…
There's some unit that does 3 bird flights up and down the Hudson that freak me out enough when I'm out for a run. I would soil myself if this passed overhead.
The leisure suits in the NASA picture are the only thing making me smile right now.
I really want someone to make one of these about how to build a maximalist wardrobe. To paraphrase Phil Gramm, I own more purple bow ties than I need, but fewer than I want. Also, I don't know how they figure on just 4 dress shirts: if you work at a place with a corporate dress code, you're going to want at least 5,…
The last time I did Butterfly (as Uncle Yakuside), I was wigged and in makeup. It wasn't exactly yellowface (just heavy eyeliner and bronzer for my pale Irish-descended skin), and my half-bald light brown crewcut wasn't exactly typical for a resident of Nagasaki in the 1900s. I don't know where the line is that…