
I noticed you left out hockey.

I have to ask... what do you do for a living?

A debate I have absolutely no interest in wading into.

As someone once in your shoes, let me try (and please, if I get something wrong, or am incomplete, be gentle): when a transgender woman is born, she is, to all outward appearances, a boy. The sex of that person is male. As she grows up, she will realize that she identifies more as a girl than as a boy. It's not so

The bigger issue is that it wasn't meant for human consumption. Beef parts that are intended for people's tables are subject to different handling procedures than those intended for dog food or some other use. The desirability or undesirability of one organ vs. another is strictly cultural.

The Boy Scouts of America are not as hierarchical as the Dept. of Defense, where it's easy for the person at the top to give an order and have it be obeyed, but my patience is wearing thin. I don't think we need to sacrifice another generation of gay Scout leaders to wait for the old guard to die off or change their

I'm disputing that it would constitute a "radical change" for the BSA to allow gay leaders. All that is necessary to effect the change is for troops and councils to simply not kick out the gay leaders they have, and to not block new ones on the basis of their sexual orientation.

The only "radical change" here is that adults can't be kicked out of the organization for being gay, or prevented from becoming Scout leaders for being gay.

You know the best way to deal with a double-edged sword? Blunt one of the edges.

Actually, since they mandated interlock devices for first time DUI offenders, Louisiana has had DUI deaths drop 40%.

My gut reaction to stories like this is "Taxes can't possibly be high enough."

Dammit, subjunctive.

I forgot until after posting this that my preferred rendering of the ich-laut is "like the 'h' in 'hue,'" which I've heard from numerous vocal coaches and choir directors.

The last time I was in a Chipotle my friend ordered it. The place was slammed and the person making it didn't know how (apparently it's a tricky technique?) but she tried and failed. 10 minutes later my friend settled for a burrito.

"Traduttore, traditore" I have to admit I like that one. I'll keep it in mind the next time I see someone performing La boheme in English translation (WHY).

I should explain: I'm a professional singer, and like most American classical singers, had to unlearn a lot of habits to become more understandable in English (as well as other languages). Getting an American-born singer out of the "mud hole," as one of my coaches called the American schwa sound, can take some doing.

Every music history professor, opera scholar, and other music professional I've ever worked with would disagree with you on that, including the native German speakers. Wilhelm Richard Wagner's name is pronounced mostly as I stated, with the caveat that the "ch" sound is the German "ich-laut" which has no easy

Blame it on the lazy American tongue. The schwa, or "uh"-sound is the default sound for almost any un-accented syllable in American English.

And of course there's the composer of the Ring Cycle.
Richard Wagner
Wrong: RICH-ard WAG-ner
Right: RICK-art VAHG-ner
Also, I wish there was an easy way to use IPA.