

well I just about spit out my morning coffee on this

Usopp's bicycle is missing "one piece"... sorry ¬¬

Be sure to visit the candy stall in the Grave of the Fireflies section for a taste of crippling depression!

Digimon, fuck yes.

So Mutant Alien Private Corporative Governments Jerks screw it all up...with better tech

And WAR, WAR, WAR, WAR, WAR and WAR!! In land, space, time and dimensions.


I'm just going to stay in that room permanently.

Come on, man. We all know "excellent" and other such positive adjectives aren't in your vocabulary anyway. Bitching is your bliss.

Guilty Gear style

I would love to see these animated.

I think you mean........

No one pulls off heists like Gaston!

I'm not saying he's a bad char. Obviously he's well developed, he's the main char! "Strength of Heart" and "Indomitable will" are char archetypes that exist in a lot of shonen chars so its not all that unique to anime/manga. I like Naruto, he's just not my fave.

balance was alright til you get Iron Man

Lol yeah I remember Invisible Mode back on the Gamecube. I tried it.

All this science is cool and all, but we've already known the location of the tower for over two years, and it's not any of the listed locations. Clearly Bungie wasn't trying too hard to be accurate. As pointed out in this thread, the last city, and therefore the tower, are actually in Puerto Princesa, Philippines.

*looks out window*

Love the response of the guy at about 7 min 30 sec - "Its games like this that bring out the worst in people."

'Unearthed', A Not-nice Canine production. Look for our next blockbuster game about a father figure and teenage girl surviving the zomb-... alien apocalypse together titled, "The Remainder of We."

Any game that has a breast slider and a breast bounciness slider should be given awards.