
I hope that robot wouldn't malfunction, gaining it's own self consciousness, then decided to getting up all night to get lucky. (Start to break into the song, guys!)

Or for a better answer:

This is a JRPG. The outfits will never make sense. xD

So is she a stripper trying to pay for technical college? Because that's the only way this outfit makes any sense.

Now playing

Here's an exclusive clip of the musical in action!

would bang velma totally.

Not pictured: Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, as it is currently busy using the galaxy as its footstool -

Id throw my money at Count of the Jurassic Island.

"Perhaps he needs a hand."


anything but nothing


This has more plot than the original Destiny storyline.

If you look closely, that purple is really a green item waiting to troll you all over again.

Dwarfing all of these gameplay logs in sheer popularity is rockstar YouTuber PewDiePie's Far Cry 4 playthrough, which is fittingly titled "Far Cry 4 is TERRIFYING!"

That's not how you spell amazing.