
Take Stanford, the left coast is the best coast.

Ah ha!

Expecting recipes for leftover chocolate next.

Jeez Louise, I can’t believe this. My mother was one of the few female business executives in the sixties and seventies; she had two directorships (advertising and public relations) yet was paid less than the two men she replaced. Nevertheless she did her work well, won professional awards but when she was

Totally agree. I was living in Montreal when the police went on strike (late 60's I think) and was totally shocked watching businessmen using their briefcases to break the windows of exclusive downtown shops and stores to steal the display merchandise. Strangely in was in the poorer parts of the city and the student

Sooner would be better but thank the Goddess it is going to close.

Actually it started under Reagan, with Canada. By the by, we (The Cool Blue North) wouldn’t mind a renegotiation since the USA is probably getting the better of the deal.

And these are the guys who are always bringing up the spectre of Sharia Law.

Yeah, let’s not bring that little brown hippie/socialist into the conversation, it only muddies the water.

We live on Vancouver Island and have all kinds of wildlife around us. With two standard poodles (the perfect tick accumulater) we have much practice removing them from our dogs and ourselves. Our physicians still recommend getting the ticks tested, especially if they have been attached for a while. There is much

I am a year younger than your mother and in the early 70's was a social worker for the Vancouver Childrens Aid Society. It was nearly ten years before we got training on sexual abuse and symptoms. Suddenly it became very clear why I felt I was spinning my wheels working with native children; I didn’t have a clue

Well actually, he was stealing it from the indigenous people who needed the mental health services. This is just the news that the trumpies want so they can justify screwing over said people.

It is so much easier getting viewers if you just reinforce what they already think. Factual based news and editorials that counter one’s prejudices are a much harder sell and usually only appeal to an educated and informed audience. Fox and their ilk have made an easy business decision.

Ms. Riley probably thinks that Residential Schools in Canada did a good job of educating and civilizing the native children (if you remove the physical/sexual abuse) by punishing them for trying to hang on to their language, culture and religion.

If you don’t want to deal with the wogs in your neighbourhood you shouldn’t be allowed to have the wogs play your games. Wogs begin at the channel.

Sport is the only reality in life (for now). It can still bring emotion based on victory and defeat. Good on ya lad.

Not true.

I’m all against violence and all, but BRAVO!

Not really any reason to believe this is different. Trump may eventually be sacrificed (there are too many ranking GOP types who hate him and these guys love Pence). So we’d be exchanging Mussolini for Hitler. Yikes!

How is it that these ‘divine’ law creators are the ones who decry Muslim religious laws so stridently. Is not genital mutilation on the same continuum as denial of abortion choice.