
This is reminiscent of famous Victorian Era inheritance lawsuits that lasted for decades and swallowed hundreds of thousands (pounds) in legal fees. The eventual winner barely received anything. By the by, this can happen in fight to the death divorce settlements too. Lawyers always win.

You haven’t been paying attention. The US Team fills the house in the medal round, especially the games against Canada. I enjoy those games more than most of the men’s games and they produce big revenue.

Bravo! These have been lean times for women’s rights and likely to get worse. Hopefully this will lead to better outcomes for women in all walks of life. By the by, notice how standing together strengthens the cause.

Eye witness testimony is the least reliable of all evidence but the legal system is still mired in 19th century thinking i.e.. circumstantial evidence. Instead of calling evidence collected at the scene ‘primary’ we rely more on what someone thinks they saw, wanted to see or wanted to use to screw someone over.

Eddie was a Vancouver Canuck for several years and quite beloved for his personality as well as his play. Praying to the Goddess that he is going to recover from the injury soon.

Ted is an old school journalist, interested in getting the facts while Hannity is a ‘yellow journalist/demagogue’ interested in getting ratings, personal prestige and power. I saw this trend begin with ‘news’ programs like Inside Edition, that were popularizing news subjects by dumbing down the reporting and going

Huma must have a very strong denial system or something. This douche canoe is not redeemable and this will just prolong the agony for the whole family. Weiner should be in jail.

‘Properly clothed’ means whatever the little person who wields power wants it to be. I remember being told in the 70's by a United Airlines staffer that my long hair was a problem. Petty people love to lord it over others.

I’m an old grandpa, and the picture melted my heart; it was uplifting and inspiring.

Hey, if your life began in the 80's, Jeter might be the best Yankee. If you look back, way back, they don’t get any better than the Babe. I think he was the best baseball player ever and this is coming from a Brooklyn Dodger fan who has nothing left to hold on to except his hatred of the Yankees.

That’s cold.

He also played in his home state, against his hometown team; family and friends in attendance. Perfect.

We have the same problem in British Columbia with the disappearance of indigenous women and girls. Until recently the authorities really had to be pressed to take a missing person report (‘she probably ran away and will turn up soon’). Rarely was any effort made to investigate.

The women’s hockey team generates income for USA Hockey (at World Championships and Olympics) considerably more than the figure skaters, who are paid much more than the hockey team. USA Hockey has fornicated the canine on this file. The good news, the Canadian Women are guaranteed the gold at this year’s worlds and

Shame that this cancellation couldn’t happen to all ‘Reality Shows’.

I’m sure if Methot have taken that shot at Sid, he’d be sitting out a few games. I guess the NBA isn’t the only league that has special rules for special players.

Drive one; it’s way more fun than the 924 or 944.

Yeah, yah, the whole free speech thing here. I’m sure these first amendment crusaders would support flying the ISIS flag outside of Fort Hood or in Times Square.

Hopefully Gonzales is held in the general population; his miserable life will there be mercifully ended.

I understand that USAG is independent (theoretically) but since USOC hold the purse strings they could have forced Penny out, in disgrace, rather than asking for his resignation.