
Edmonton for Memphis, even worse than Memphis for Vancouver.

I guess the anti-establishment pose is just stealing from other artists; good gig if you can get away with it.

Seven standard poodles since 1980 and all have slept with us, usually two at a time. By the by it was a good way of housebreaking them; any agitation and straight outside with much praise for a good job.

In case there was any doubt about what slime balls sport franchise owners are, always have been and always will be, here’s another brick in the wall.

This is a total clusterfuck. Wideman was either concussed or acted like a lunatic by checking an official. If he was concussed, as the player’s union claimed, then why no quiet room (NHL Concussion Protocol), good job Flames. The NHL’s appeal process is worse than any other in sport. If a player appeals, he should be

Rather not, no land grab is worth that.

And will be the first to secede once Canada stops kissing big petro’s ass.

Bike riding made me a better driver in all motor vehicles, especially by looking further up the road than just at the vehicle ahead.

That’s not going to happen, since Gary’s vision is all about parity. The ideal NHL outcome (according to New York) would have every team with a 50% winning record.

Drove a 914 from ‘72 to ‘80 (sold then to down pay a house). Best ride ever, especially in the Pacific Northwest.

Never ever gets old, seeing such beautiful birds.

The boater and striped jacket are very barber shop quartet like.

Typical old man’s lament, ‘the kids these days’. When he was a young man, the baseball old-timers of the day didn’t like Gossage’s facial hair and no respect attitude either.

Too good!

I think baseball better start looking into it’s possible head injury problem, these poor old retired players sound a little addled.

Woody Allan film ‘Sleeper’ posed a future where everything the late 20th Century thought was bad is now good (i.e. deep fat, smoking tobacco). That bagels are bad, is much harder to believe.

If she wasn’t ashamed of her body, why all the surgery/work on it? Just askin.

Really miss you KO, live long and prosper.

It basically comes down to: it’s not us, you women bewitch us with your feminine wiles, it’s your fault. Original sin blaming is alive and well.

Happy Birthday BMW, loved the airplane engines (the 190 aerial was a peach), the bikes are divine and the cars are to dream about. Your PR/ Advertising flacks are dismal; the description of your vision for the next 100 years (as described above) sounds like a smartened up Trump speech.