
Wasn’t sure how to take Emma’s Book Club; totally on-board now if her first choice is any indication of her future recommendations.

Got to love the relaxed dress code though.

There is really only one power forward in the NHL and OV is it.

Oh Yay!


Actually, that arsenal of weapons is only the NRA starter kit, Guzman probably got it on the internet.

Don’t know why, but I find this so very satisfying.

Bensimon has a very low standard for attractiveness if he thinks Biglari is good looking.

In a generation it would go back to being a Mexican province.

He got off easy by being fired, I’m surprised some players didn’t chain him up and drop him in the river. What an abusive excuse for a human being.

Lots of ill will to the guy here. Twenty eight years of social work/clinical counselling taught me that this kind of discipline creates sociopaths who beat other human beings (children, girlfriends, wives and friends). When the only resolution tool you have is a hammer, thinks get busted up real good.

No worries about immolation though.

Better than Lucas though.

Growing up in Toronto, in the forties and fifties, almost every backyard was a rink for four months every winter. No worries about liabilities, complaints from neighbours or the need for artificial ice then. It was fun, except when my feet defrosted during dinner.


Well Jamie did wear himself out during the holiday break, chasing the underagers.

I’ve always hated that thinking; how stupid if 27% of the Baseball Writers thought that way.

Griffey is a total douche canoe as a human being but the best I ever saw, next to Willie Mays.

And to be coached by Torts, yikes!

So way too much free time.