Jeez Louise, this is advice you’d give to hikers travelling in bear country (except for the immigrant part) not downtown Cologne. Hard not to give in to the wish to bomb the city to hell again.
Jeez Louise, this is advice you’d give to hikers travelling in bear country (except for the immigrant part) not downtown Cologne. Hard not to give in to the wish to bomb the city to hell again.
He should forget the whole GOP thing. He has the makings of a super hero franchise - comics, movies, animated children’s show, the lot.
Good Canadian kid!
Excuse me, but isn’t acting for money what actors do? All the work available isn’t always ‘Citizen Kane’ material but it’s hard to say no to work. How many of us have worked at crappy jobs, with terrible bosses because we need the income to live.
Nicki is extremely talented in the entertaining thing, clearly not on the planet on an academic scholarship.
Be still my beating heart.
The human denial impulse is very strong. The biggest lies are the ones we tell ourselves.
Ya know, just maybe.
Well it’s working just fine, so far.
For the first few hundred years, Christians celebrated the birth in July. It was only when northern Europeans were converted that their mid-winter celebration was combined with the Saviour’s birth.
Although I think Ford missed a unique advertising opportunity here.
Or Obama’s.
At least the guy is excited to be there; contrast that with Coach Saban at the Heisman Award Ceremony (looked like he’d rather be dead than there).
Yeah, it’s a regular Bach Family of talent. Please!
Where in the Constitution does it say that the offspring of moderately talented people are moderately talented themselves, specially when they are just children.
I’ve heard of your Rationality Land, sparsely populated I hear.
But you’ve got to admit that it’s nice seeing Miley dressing her emotional age.
Some people like their abusers so much, they just keep coming back for more.
Even if convicted this douche canoe will not serve hard time. I’m surprised things have gone this far; usually these assholes just write a big cheque and it all goes away. The 1% don’t have to deal with these sordid, mundane issues and consequences.
Very popular though; drew crowds usually reserved for public executions.