Washington management are going to cripple or kill RGIII. He has played while severely injured, something every team says is a no no (play with pain but not injury).
Washington management are going to cripple or kill RGIII. He has played while severely injured, something every team says is a no no (play with pain but not injury).
So now RGIII can be the most elite, bestest NFL QB on the PUP list.
Yes! Yes! Oh Yes!
Your facts are drowning out his emotion.
Thank you, been two wheeling, peddling and cranking, for 65 years; beautifully said.
Still, in New York, it could be wonderful theatre, Colbert, Fallon, Coco et. al. are drooling.
Don’t blame them, they are waxing nostalgic for the muggers and hustlers of days gone by.
Thank you. The 40 hour week, paid vacation, sick leave, benefits, pension, wrongful termination et al. are curtesy of the trade union movement. Please tell me what ownership and management offer workers in an ‘unfettered’ free enterprise business (aside from CEO bonuses paid whether business prospered or not).
Not to his face.
No civil rights for women, i.e. voting, demi slavery, honour killings, are also OK outside the western world. Are you down with your daughter being raped by a rejected suitor so as to be able to marry her. Civil societies evolve. We don’t describe Mr. Peterson as a dumb ass N-word, like the rest of the entire world…
Canada’s lost chance at home grown fighter supremacy for 30 years. Done by a Conservative government who did not want to give the predecessor any credit. It is to weep.
Good move, I don’t ride a cruiser but most of Ducati’s offering seem best suited to a 115 lb. jockey.
Actually, what he did was child abuse, all over the western world. If he was a regular person with the average attorney he probably would have gotten jail time. Saying it was OK cause it was done to him is not a defence. In the 19th century a parent could beat a child to death without any consequences. I think we’ve…
Please Please Oh Yes Please
If we fought WWII with the same zeal the war on Christmas is being fought we would all being speaking (texting) in German.
Well that’s a lot of nonsense too. But anything that calms the ‘I’m going to die’ thing is OK.
The only thing that will stop this nonsense will be a successful civil suit brought by parents whose child died or went blind before they were old enough to be immunized and was infected by a child who was not vaccinated. Hard to prove but not impossible.
I looked at her face and I thought ‘She’s going to run for office some day and get elected.’
He seems to have come to terms with life and he just doesn’t sweat the small stuff. Good example to emulate.