
Tom! Are you listening? Karma has been a bitch lately. Don’t play right now.

Funny, Rachelle appreciated the comment.

You’ve stopped taking your meds, haven’t you.

Making crappy TV is business, beating up the gays is pleasure.

Yeah, there was no way we could have seen that disaster ahead of time. I think we are getting to the breaking point with these types of shows. They keep dumbing it down and producing crappier stuff than the year before. Eventually the audience won’t produce the needed numbers to continue to air this dreck.

That’s not the sensitive new age Kyrgios I wait, that’s exactly the loutish behaviour he always demonstrates. He just got careless in a quiet stadium and the mics picked up his patter.

My first ride, as a passenger, was on a Norton in 1962. A month later I bought my first bike, a Jawa. Have two-wheeled ever since.

Beautiful ride, shame it’s wasted on a douche canoe like Chris Brown.


I thought the sexist pigs had become more subtle and were not so blatantly dickish. Not JM, he’s old school.

I was onboard till the pain thing and underarm swelling on a global scale. Nope, nope, nope.

You may be denied entry into Canada for that observation.

Rachel you are a young, intelligent, attractive woman; I like the before pics way more.

Obama appears to be centre right because the GOP has moved so far to the right you can’t even see the tail lights. The GOP politicians you name above are far right and the rest far, far, far... By the by, Saint Ronald would totally disapprove of the current Republican Party; he believed in a big tent, not idealogical

I needed this guy in 1959. It took me a week with instructor mom to do what these students got in minutes. It was a column shifter, a little trickier than five on the floor, but still; that was amazing.

One can get permission (within own ‘community’) to do any number of horrible things by saying my god wants this done.

I would love it to be true. The thing is, Tutankhamun died so young that he did not have his own tomb ready, so he was buried in one prepared for some other, less important personage. That would explain why it is quite small and not like other pharaohs’ tombs. The limestone the tombs are cut into is prone to cracking

I heard the team/s that move would have to pay a re-allocation fee. I don’t think Mark Davis has the deep pockets for that expense.

They are breathtaking and there was not a ‘what were they thinking’ outfit in the lot.

Never cease to be amazed at the skill of those people in the cockpit; they made it look easy.