
What ever he is, I hope he avoids the Japanese scientific research (whaling) ships.

Well, they are going to keep stretching the envelope till they lose us. America is so football centred that we consume all the NFL provides; I think they will get a big audience for this to.

Darn, the heist, with the gas, had such a TV Mission Impossible vibe to it. So it was just a high class B&E.

Casting producer is a genius (that’s what his Facebook page says).

Hope he rushed out and bought a handful of lottery tickets.

Thought the inking thing was winding down. Crap, going to have to wait for great-grandchildren to see beauty (the skin deep kind).

My experience with the folks down under lead me to believe that this is mostly a male thing.

Really, can’t we make her stop. She has taken nonsense to warp drive.

I hope other judges take this as a precedent, to stop these politically motivated court challenges.

Was a social worker for 28 years (all in Vancouver BC). The juvenile court would not even listen to raising a child to adult court who was under 16 years of age. If convicted, where will these kids serve their sentence? An adult facility would be the worse place.

72, Mick Jagger, me and LSD were all born in ‘43.

So the Fitzpatrick era begins for the Jets.

Does Brady always travel with his rings?

Mission Statement of Minnesota University. We don’t need any filthy HR policies (see Treasure of the Sierra Madre).

Often I think, if I’m ever back in the old country, it would be neat to take the rental around the Ring for fun. This vid and many before tell me those days are over.

I completely forgot about the Kotex garters. After panty hose the napkins came with the adhesive strip to stick to panties, with panty hose it all stayed in place.

The problem is that often the retailer will let it go so as to not lose a celebrity or wealthy client. This is bad in so many ways: the thief will not get the help they need, and the double standard re-inforces class warfare. Also it will embolden staff to rip off an employer who tells staff to look the other way (75%

I think we need to remember that most comedians are tragic clowns and that is what drives them to the stage. Elvis Costello did a great music video that illustrates this point. All you see is his head while singing. It’s in black and white and every few seconds someone comes next to him and kisses his cheek, his face

Can’t really blame them, the Mets in first place, its stupefying!

Not exactly a ‘fixer upper’ or ‘needs some work’.