I’ve always thought the original Mini/El Camino conversion was the sweetest, but this wins.
I’ve always thought the original Mini/El Camino conversion was the sweetest, but this wins.
Totally on target; that douche canoe doesn’t have anything to offer a mate except his inadequacies.
Say what you will about panty hose, all I remember was my wife singing for joy to get out of panty girdles and stocking garters to hold up her nylons.
I think ole Jim is living on borrowed time. I’m surprised one of his neighbours have not sought out a Second Amendment solution. These people have the patience of Job.
Paul Horning for one.
Kind of like what the Packer players said about Vince Lombardi: “He treated us all the same, like dogs”.
The Donald approves of the Daily Mail’s coverage, or lack thereof.
I’m sure it was unsettling for Megan, but charges? More importantly if you are doing a live hit from a music festival, CBC needs a handler to keep the gawkers away from the shot.
Trump is proving that no only is he not presidential, he’s certifiable.
Actually the scum of the earth are the men who want the rhino horn to either get an erection or have a nice handle on their ceremonial dagger.
I’m pretty sure when we are evicted from the planet we are not getting the damage deposit back.
People have an infinite ability to ignore reality when it conflicts with what they want to believe.
The only thing the family should get is Kevin Ward’s Darwin award.
Exactly. Children should not play in the traffic.
If Victoria is so keen on helping the young uns, how about starting a crusade to bring women’s pay up to the same level as men’s. Oh wait, that would be hard and might upset some business partners. So what’s next Ms Hearst, banning anatomically correct dolls, putting pants on any male zoo animals? So many crusades, so…
SF should just bail on the upcoming season, they are a hair away from the team plane crashing and killing all players and staff.
I’m old and I hate change. I especially do not want Jon to leave; what a bonhomme.
Thank the Goddess that Obama described how insignificant actual voter fraud is; it’s like it’s the 50’s, when Joe McCarthy was seeing communists everywhere (another completely made up issue that was all smoke and mirrors). These illusory issues are all about rising up by pushing people down.
With most politicians it is the latter.
I’m guessing ole Bentley is running for re-election soon and is playing to his nutter base.