
I would have loved to have sat in on the planning meeting that developed this slogan. I’m guessing that it was only football/athletic department people, who are so narrowly focused on their own little world that nothing from outside it intrudes. Hire professionals people; not a guarantee of success but less likely to

This douche canoe probably doesn’t have any core beliefs aside from playing to his constituency and feathering his own nest.

You leave your Jesus out of this, our Jesus thinks we’re doin just fine.

Such a shame, thought those two kids would make it.

You are right, that would make it better.

I’ve always hoped some paps would start following Harvey and his family around.

and Kevlar seat cushions.

If there had only been a good guy there with a hatchet.

It’s almost like she is auditioning for a Fox News gig.

To do such a thing probably made their celebration so much more rich and memorable. What an awesome family.

The old ‘bait and switch’ is alive and well in the 21st century.

I think we are all hoping for a long, agonizing and ultimately unsuccessful recovery.

We can file this under ‘if you can’t beat them’.

Ah, you are appealing to reason and logic here. What Jeb is trying to do is use emotional scare tactics and factual misrepresentation.

The first and only fighter jet cockpit I got to sit in was the Super Sabre, ‘55 @ Toronto CNE. It was a 12 year old’s dream.

No outrage is needed, if you want to live in a world made up entirely of humans and animals we farm fine. When evicted from the planet, you are not getting your damage deposit back.

We are up to here in unwanted children, lions and other soon to be extinct animals, not so much. Your invisible, celestial friend says no abortions, great, so how many of these children are you prepared to support or adopt?

Actually quite high, among women who were not bullied by their fathers as children.

More unugly Americans like Warren please.

Patsy Cline is tuning up.