
Came this close; darn, guess Thetan heaven will have to wait.

Hate crimes can only happen to white people; what don’t you understand? Also Florida.


What a waste of time and effort, plus contributing to animal cruelty. Going to look just great on a tombstone.

She really went out on a limb here.

When they start offering undercoat and diamond coat options, that’s where I draw the line.

I think capital punishment is on the table for damaging the ‘51 Chevy.

Sophia is like going to get implants, right?

This whole ‘nobody is going to be dog fighting’ pronouncement is something I have heard my whole life (I’m 72). It was wrong in the 30’s, 50’s, 60’s and on and on. I find it hard to believe that it is true this time. Plus the whole F-35 program has become such a steaming pile of ordure that I expect nothing but

We have to be aware of and in control of our instinctual xenophobia.

She’s Cosby to me.

If you get on well with your dad and step-mom and visa versa, fantastic; can be a nice transition place.

The Ruby Slippers, really! How incredibly stupid to steal Dorothy’s slippers.

That’s definitely a bad option, understandable yes, still a no no.

I don’t know your age but usually that’s a bad option.

Ole Ryan, you sure got a lot of free time on hands. Try to ease your butt hurt over not being allowed to use the ‘N’ word, not being able to fly the Stars & Bars and not being able to go to the head of the line cause you are a white male, by making a useful contribution to humanity. You know like your lord and

Thank you Jason, levity appreciated and needed.

They must have way too much free time on their hands.

It’s true, August 1980, Vancouver Family Court; came close to being found in contempt. Not what I was expecting as a fairly experienced protection social worker.

Story really resonates here. I sold my beautiful ‘72 914 (signal yellow) in 1980 to help make the downpayment on my wife’s and my first house; I still want it back.