
They have his name on them but usually it’s not his money.

Summer’s here and surf’s up.

Quereda is not going to go any time soon; incompetent, sexist and respected by none are not flaws in Spanish women’s sports but rather the norm.

It was George 1st. Nixon gave him a leg up, I think, in the 70’s

My bad.

Nixon should be exhumed and put through a shredder (see Fargo) for putting this embarrassment on the Supreme Court.

Loved the boardwalk in the 50’s, when we used to visit our Brooklyn relatives. Coney Island was great but Atlantic City was the day outing my brother and I looked forward to.

Obviously Josh did not graduate phi beta kappa and cannot differentiate between consenting adults and an abusive relationship.

Gloating is good!

I think it was Louis CK who said being born a white male, in a western society for the past 1000 years, was like winning the lottery. Look around boys, you’ll never have it this good again.

Yeah, me too.

Those poor schmucks, years more of misery.

What is your solution, you know, besides killing more people?

I’m a volunteer firefighter, who has participated in local Fire/Rescue games. I feel for my sibling firefighters who are in the middle of this shit storm; fair well colleagues.

It’s even uglier on video than 2D pictures.

Purple hair in pre-teens might be a phase, not who an adult partners with.

My wife and I honeymooned on the Coast Highway, from Vancouver to Big Sur in 1980. We drove her VW camper van and while not as much fun to drive as a convertible (especially when being overtaken by logging trucks in Oregon) the high seating gave a great view of the spectacular that is the west coast.

“putting America into the ranks of most other civilized countries”, like countries in South America? Who are these civilized countries Mitch?

Yes, the sooner that man has his coronary the better.

But is he a real Yankee? Hit thirty more this year and maybe... Meanwhile us Seattle fans still mourn his passing (when he went to Texas).