My wife will be thrilled; her two childhood (and today as well) heroes were Jean D’Arc and Marie Curie.
My wife will be thrilled; her two childhood (and today as well) heroes were Jean D’Arc and Marie Curie.
Rule one in the advertisers manual is: Sex Sells. It’s lazy, somewhat boring, but effective.
Actually in the sixties, seventies and early eighties Hefner was considered somewhat scummy. Women who worked at the old mansion occasionally complained about what happened to them and more than a couple of playmates/bunnies died young, some confirmed suicides. Then he became somewhat more acceptable and once the…
Men live in fear to; nothing scarier than the sound of high heels clicking behind you on a dark street.
I knew it had to be bad due to all the promotion (those guys were everywhere). Anchorman II did the same thing and also bombed atomically.
The USA is also operating like it is 2015, Australia is firmly rooted in the 1950’s.
I’m for it but still hold out hope that the Hurricanes will come home.
So I assume you are against the death penalty, against handguns, against pro-active wars (see Iraq) and against health plans that deny pre-existant illnesses. These items kill millions of people who already exist and want to keep on living. If you are pro-life you don’t decide who should live and who should die;…
Las Vegas Coyotes, Quebec Coyotes, Seattle Coyotes, Hamilton Coyotes.... So many choices.
Best relationship humanity has; the canine/human collaboration. Dogs are so fucking great.
Excellent parenting. My grandfather built and raced cars in the 1920’s and I was only was able to pick up a fraction of what I wished I had learned from him.
I’ve give anything to watch that sucker back out of his garage, with the door closed.
I know, WTF she looks great.
Oh great, China has only picked up the worst of capitalism for their industry and now they can take the litiganist dreck of our legal system.
What’s the business plan for the SF franchise? They went from almost champions to a joke in three seasons.
I live on Hornby Island, one of the gulf islands in the Straight of Georgia, BC. We have dwarf deer, who are half the size of the regular black tail deer on Vancouver Island. Last week I saw a doe with three fawns, who were bigger than 6’’ but only by 4 or 5”, cross my driveway. It was to weep; nature is awesome.
Oh goddess, it’s 1962 again and I’m driving my first British sports car through Outremont, into downtown Montreal.
Black Adder strikes again!
Is the TSA being run by NYPD? They seem eerily similar in their brutal treatment of the people they are supposed to serve, plus they are both totally incompetent.
You got to believe that our culture is all fucked up when Texas has thousands of places you can buy guns (that kill people) but only eight abortion clinics that kill unwanted proto people.