Oh dear, the last two years must have been difficult. If the Canucks ever make it to the finals again or even semis I’m a dead man (‘82 & ‘94 were fun, 2011 gut wreak).
Oh dear, the last two years must have been difficult. If the Canucks ever make it to the finals again or even semis I’m a dead man (‘82 & ‘94 were fun, 2011 gut wreak).
Yes, I’m sure it’s in some testament or another. Also there are texts supporting Tom Brady’s four game suspension, the triple crown winner and Ted Cruz for president, no wait that is in C.S.Lewis’ Mere Christianity.
You should get a medal; four dresses you’ll never wear again, 100’s of hours you’ll never get back. Bravo, you are a good friend.
It’s better with the sound off though; the colour twit needs to talk less and watch the game.
Hoping they’ll put it all together to. Australia was a perfect opponent for the US; they stretched the US team and showed what needs work.
Really well done comparison. Good nudge to remember time didn’t start when you were born.
I think they were pretending.
They don’t need facts they have faith (divine truth without proof).
Well in ‘43 the average number of missions for B-17 crews was 8, before death or POW. Obviously some planes did the full 25, but not most.
After watching this I can’t get my toes to straighten out.
I doubt that in fifty years you’ll feel the same way.
The B-17 always gets me. First it was something right that the military did in the 30’s but the way they used them, early in the war, 42-43, was suicidal for the crews (it was theoretically impossible to complete 25 missions, a tour, before being shot down). The long range fighter which the Air Force theorists said…
Lets see if he is brazen enough to show up in Vancouver to present the Women’s World Cup trophy to the winner. He may go straight to Brazil instead (see no extradition).
Has Hope peed in a drug test cup lately? Her behaviour seems very testosterone improved (see ‘roid rage’).
I don’t think people today (in North America) can imagine what a major commitment WWII was. No new cars for four years, food and gas rationing, thousands of casualties every week; it was mind blowing.
All the services kept as many experienced officers and NCO’s as they could after WWII, trying to not repeat the mistakes of 1919. With a strong core of officers you can train up your forces quite quickly and put them in the field under good commanders.
My wife, who was born in Normandy three years after D-Day, still sends flowers of thanks to the remaining veterans she knows for liberating her country.
Growing up in the 40’s and 50’s it seemed that everybody smoked, everywhere, all the time. Over the years I tried and tried; just could not get past the coughing and headaches that resulted. Today I’m thankful it was so.
I never thought anything could mess up the look of the Concorde. Wrong again, the Pepsi livery blows.
Charter member of the greatest generation.