I so want this to happen. We'd like to go to one vehicle to replace my '91 Mazda B2200 and my wife's 2010 Impreza wagon. This is the answer.
I so want this to happen. We'd like to go to one vehicle to replace my '91 Mazda B2200 and my wife's 2010 Impreza wagon. This is the answer.
I know what we are trading in our Impreza for.
Oh Hell!
So he's got that going for him.
Where have I heard that before? Any colour you like, as long as its black. Oh right, Model T.
Can anyone figure out how we can get that crazy fundamentalist church, that usually goes after war vets and such, to get on Scientology's case. It won't harm them, nothing can, but if it's all we can do, let's annoy the hell out of them.
No quit in that mule.
And we ask why do we need unions? Businesses and companies that treat their employees like human beings, rather than a resource to be exploited, rarely are unionized. These are few and far between.
What amazing athletes. Just try to swim on the surface for two minutes without taking a breath. Their conditioning is superb.
Gulp, awesome resume. Thank you I had no idea.
It's tempting to buy it just to get those awful wheels off. What a desecration.
Beautiful pictures of an important aircraft. I was told that some Canadian built T-33's are still in service in Bolivia; amazing length of service.
It is to weep; what a mess.
When counselling couples I always found it useful to tape the sessions (with all parties permission). Playing back a previous session when one or both parties disagreed on what was discussed or agreed to, was usually eyeopening.
Not a fan of putting away the whistle in the third period or four quarter but Jeez Louise, that call was ridiculous.
Cars without drivers, planes without pilots, what is next?
Religious freedom means you get to worship who or whatever you wish. It does not mean that governments can pass laws favouring one religion's dogma over civil matters. Is this not what Fox News fear mongers about all the time (no wait that would be Sheri-a law).
My bad, my granddaughter told her mom and me why she broke up with her boyfriend. I have shared their confidences.
Funny how most of these gun nuts profess to be followers of Jesus Christ, who, from the gospels appears to be quite the pacifist (love thy enemy, turn the other cheek). But I guess it's true, we make our gods in our own image (Jesus went from a small, dark skinned, dark eyed, loving man to the perfect Aryan, who…
Since this dude got his chops lampooning racists and bigots it is curious that he is acting the misanthrope. I never found him funny but now he Cosby to me.