
Any conflicts in this region alway seem to be on the edge of spinning out of control. If ever there is a nuclear war (both sides throwing) it easily could start in the Middle East.

They all look so pansy assed; none of them would be scary in a dark alley, unless you were already passed out on the deck.

Shsss, MacDonalds is listening.

I'm of the MADMEN generation and really enjoyed the freed up sexuality of the 60's & 70's. In all the encounters, it was rare to never that a woman I brought home, or took to her place offered oral sex. Since I wasn't that much in to it, no big deal. This has only become an expectation since internet porn, I think.

Yet one of the Sedin brothers did get away with a kicking motion goal this season. I'm still confused.

Its fuzzy.

That's the whole 'fuzzy' bit; next time they may rule (in Toronto) no goal (although if it is a Boston player all bets are off).

Absolutely! That is what happens at the 'Ring' from time to time.

The 'kicking the puck into the net' has been a problem forever. Lucic was trying to kick the puck up to his stick, not to the net but that is what happened. Should be no goal but the interpretation is too fuzzy to be definitive.

Gender discrimination is quite difficult to prove in court, not difficult to experience in the workplace. Hopefully this case will at least make the next challenge to the status quo a success.

Mr Whammy, you are an embarrassment to elders. What a waste of time you are; how about doing something useful you can really be proud of.

Unbelievable, now if I can just get my toes to uncurl.

Its not, very reminiscent of days gone by.

If a car is wreaked participating in illegal activity (street racing, get away car) by the legal owner or renter, does the insurance have to pay out?

If old Dano can't kill the messenger he can get him transferred out of town. How does he have time for this? Oh right, his real businesses are leaking oil, aren't they.

Thank you. Suddenly is 1967 and I am 24 years old. Good times!

It was a real stretch.

Or they were fishing. What would you want to catch, using a Tacoma for bait?

These guys and most sport shock jocks are just playing down to their audiences. If they keep getting the numbers they'll just keep it up. Racism, bigotry and misanthropy, just another day at the office.

Makes sense. They are so busy at being the celebrities they want to be, that they need a record of where they went and what they did.