you said ted cruz is 93. i think you meant 39. just helping out. Erin
you said ted cruz is 93. i think you meant 39. just helping out. Erin
THANK you. there are way too many red flags
and a disturbing text they said they are not sharing with public , well that was before his body was found. ATL PD know it and hope they go public.
Yes I was laughed at being the first journalist to write about Dr John Marshall’s death as no accident. As a fourth generation Marine and having served 2 tours of duty in Afghanistan, as well as survival training, I know he didn’t drown. Not to mention the PI (i’ve spoken to on the phone) concurs. I hope Dr (Mrs.)…
No actually i saw the whole interview beginning to end and I can assure you that bald excuse of a man asshole didn’t ask her about the show. all he did was badger her about the divorce and her cheating ass of a husband. That man is sicker than the ex
remember, experts are weighing in saying Tiger -the 6 year old in the photo (who lived next to her on same road) is still ALIVE when she took it. She’s seriously a psychopath in a rich part of town and mom works for the courts. (and took the pic) But there MUST be justice.
I live here in Floriduhh. Help me.
I realized I couldn't wait through that awful commercial to see what happened so I turned it off. I also came to the realization I could care less about Bawbwa and she should have retired 20 years ago.
Thanks Erin! (You know Erins write the best stories....) geesh I can't even fake an orgasm. How do women fake whole pregnancies!? )
That's right Joan. I've been posting on this board ALLLL these years just so I can post the link to my better half (who someone inquired about so I answered them) so I could post his link at the bottom of a sad thread that probably six people tops are reading. He's at 747,000 likes. I was juuust so hoping to get 6…
This is a little different but glad you're not my doctor. I'd hate to be diagnosed through a thin youtube video. I'll wait for the actual results to come in before I go ASSuming things.
Narcolepsy was another one we theorized too.
and thanks for bringing up race. like that helps. Unlike many here I refuse to diagnose her through a thin poorly filmed youtube video and will wait to see if it is indeed a heroin nod after they test her. either way a shame no one called 911
Myrna Minkoff. No my family is African American. I'm adopted. I guess I could be raised by a black parent and still be a racist though. Also in my birth family. have a nice day.
ps and at pushing a million fans on facebook my better half has treated countless patients and would never make a 1o0% certain diagnosis off a shaky youtube video
It may very well be but how you can confirm that 100% from a youtube video is a bit preposterous. Also if someone assumed that in person.. when, in fact, she might be going into a diabetic coma she might be dead. Never good to ASSume. My partner (physician for 31 years) actually doesn't like to jump to conclusions.…
No actually a doctor would know and the one I'm sitting next to says it could have been a diabetic coma, a black out (not due to drugs) or a host of other things. And half my family is black so I think the racist accusations won't get ya far :)
agree 100%! What's with jezebel's link to "more info on heroin and other opiates" Girl doesn't look like a druggie (though anything is possible) I hope this mom sues the pants out of all parties involved including that jackass cop who said she was doing a heroin nod. (No sorry asshot, cop, she could have been having a…
Something SHOULD be done, but how do we know this woman wasn't sick, wasn't diabetic etc. How is this jackass cop (aren't they all) saying she's doing the "heroin nod"
I hope it turns out she wasn't on drugs at all. Also sad no one called police for sure. But unless I'm missing something this might have nothing to do…
She wears a fur haT..... Ohhhhh I thought you said she was a fur HAG! (same difference)