
It’s been pretty priceless watching Ben Shapiro self own by claiming his wife has never had a WAP.

“Candy Shop” and “Wait (The Whisper Song)“ among others got a ton of mainstream radio play and are just as sexually explicit. Men can stay mad.

PLEASE include either the National Suicide Prevention Hotline or some other relevant resource when posting articles that discuss suicide or self harm. It is genuinely not that hard. It seems that Jezebel has fully committed to not including this information on recent articles addressing suicide.

I’m sorry but that Brian AG did not do a sick burn, he decided to insert himself into his ex’s life by bringing up their children in an online post. It (like most new on BAG) is super gross. Let it go man, you do not need to be controlling or even a part of your ex’s life now that she has moved on.  Don’t throw your

Pretty trashy move by David Silver to use pictures of their kids to mock his ex.

Also Jayapal swept our district (no surprise). Super excited to have her continue as our rep!!

I’m pretty sure I’ve recently read something that said Rep. Tlaib was in more danger and that Omar was pretty handily ahead. And, “more danger” turned out to be insignificant.

Yeah, “I wouldn’t have said as many mean things about Trump” always seemed like a questionable campaign message for a Democratic primary candidate in 2020.

Anyone seen any polls on how Omar is supposed to do next week?  She’s my rep, but I haven’t seem much local polling.

It seems like perpetrators like Nassar and Epstein are always surrounded by enablers. I guess there is a spectrum of banality of evil.

This! Exactly fucking this. Protecting federal judges (and lawmakers) from people with firearms serves to further isolate and distance them from the realities that the rest of us live with. Who protects the rest of us from someone showing up at the front door with a gun and a grudge?

My condolences to Judge Salas and her family. Maybe reducing access to federal judge’s information would have prevented this, but what about reducing Hollander’s access to firearms? The latter would also benefit a lot more Americans than approximately 870 federal judges and their families.

Who in the wide, wide world of fuck ungreyed you?

If that workplace has become so toxic their first stop should have been HR not fucking twitter.

The only two cents I have to share with this is anecdotal evidence from a Co-worker from November 2016. At that time, Ellen was going to have Lin Manuel Miranda on his show and their staff reached out to Dave and Busters to ask if they could use one of our giant claw machines for the show. Most of the Dave and Busters

She knows how fake everyone has to be on chat shows but by pulling shit on the celebs, who are basically trapped in the talk show convention and have to act amused by everything lest they come off bad, she gets to shit on them and not look bad because, see! they’re laughing, too! 

Yeah, I was debating on dismissing him a bit before I finally did. I’m of two minds about dismissals. Sometimes I like to leave the trolls up just so people can see how stupid they are, but I know that’s risky as someone may un-grey them. The more well-written the comment, the harder it is for me to dismiss it. It’s

“I sold my friend the drugs she used to overdose, and I went to prison, but I learned *sooo* much about myself in the process ❤️”

“judgmental, self-absorbed, and unreflective,” should be xoJane’s tagline.