
I love Tyler so much.  I follow both his accounts on Tik Tok.

Absolutely.  And a bunch of folks lost their father, grandpa, or great-grandpa. My family never recovered from my grandfather’s death, honestly. It sounds like Prince Phillip was the glue.

Okay, this is all true and legit.  I no longer feel bad for a Kardashian. Thank you. <3

Your comment brought up an interesting point for me. How much body dysmorphia must one accrue if you can never look like you actually look? Ever. Like, your entire physical being must have highly curated, ultra-high production values at all times or else. She looks like an in-shape, pretty girl in a teeny bikini here.

Agreed. I want other people to watch it and tell me we’re not doing that weird, reductivist Whedon bullshit like having every male they trust rape them or betray them or both. Or reducing their value to their component parts or punishing them for being female while making choices or... Good lord, there’s a lot to

When I was first on Tik Tok and the algorithm did not yet know I belonged with the girls, gays, and theys, Bradley popped up on my page a lot. I have no quarrel with him. He’s very pretty and that’s nice for the type who likes it. The comments on his content irk me, though. The women get pretty gross. Sexual

That is a lot to deal with.  I am sending you big positive vibes. I’ve kind of lurked and followed your journey and I am sorry it’s reached this place with The Bartender. 

AHA! That’s where I saw her before.  I was like, she looks soooo familiar.  Thank you!

That’s a beautiful man and all, but I’m mostly struck that he really, really takes good care of his dog. That’s a shiny, healthy, happy doggo having a great doggo day.  That fills me with joy. 

I’m very excited to live alone and not have this be an issue starting in June. My boyfriend does all the dish washing and is very put upon about it. If I touch anything, however, I did it wrong. I load the dish washer wrong, I put the dishes in the wrong place, I use the wrong tools, I USE THE SPONGE WRONG. So, he

True in the corporate space, as well. You pick the most powerful mentor you can get. That mentor is most likely going to be male. Is the system flawed? Totally. Do we live in it and thus have to roll with it to get ahead? Absolutely.

What really jumped out at me in your post is how important it is to preserve the integrity of the courts.  Because it could easily go another way with all the wrong people at each level.

Personally, I believe nothing. I had a lot of white friends who mocked Trump in 2016 and made it seem like it was oh, so funny that he was running, who said they wouldn’t be caught dead voting for that moron who then later came clean about voting for him. I’ll only believe the election results.

You’re spot on about the corporate buffer. I work for a company that really believes it, now. And it’s a HUGE difference in the way the content is delivered. This company is serious as fuck about equality, diversity, and inclusion. It’s incredible to me how different the programs are when the institution truly

Or that! lol

Oddly enough, if I were Bezos, I’d hire this guy to create a practical implementation of holistic identity as the next iteration of AI/ML based security.

That is literally the plot of all of it without any of the jargon from the books.  And it makes Dune sound cooler than maybe it actually is lol. 

Yes! I love how strange it all is and how much she clearly loves it.

Right? I kind of felt sorry for him at first and now I'm like, oh, God, girl run awaaaay and keep running. Fuck that guy. 

I noticed this, too! UNLESS she’s doing something lowkey mean. Like, that clip of Kristen Bell losing her shit over sloths where at the end Ellen pretended she was bringing a sloth out and Kristen started to lose her shit. Then there was real humor in Ellen's eyes.