
I feel like you’re on to something. Also, a lot of the alterations women look for trend super dudebro-esque. Boobs that are out-sized vs right-sized, etc. Slim that waist to a pleasing V. Be young - or at least fake it. It feels extra icky that it’s these dudebros literally re-shaping us to be pleasing to dudebros.

oh man, all of that is entirely yikes. I am sending bigtime good vibes for you and DH. That poor man. His father is gone, his mother is awful. Rough. :(

That’s a really great point.  We legitimize and normalize harmful idiocy as “both sides” bullshit.

I watched this on Twitter and I don’t know how Anderson Cooper does that job. He has talk to so many wrong-headed morons on the regular and be professional about it like they aren’t just gibbering idiots.

Jodie Turner-Smith is jaw-droppingly beautiful. Beside her, Joshua Jackson just looks like some random guy off the street. I cannot wait to see that baby. Super happy for them.

Same!  I’m going to do a Facebook live every Monday afternoon just to ensure I remember how to be a functional human at least once per week.

Wow! Good for her! You know, a year ago, I might not have believed that. I might have been like, “Well, that is just the way the world is.” I worked in global financial firms for 20 years and I just moved to a regional bank about 18 months ago. The difference in my life unbelievable. I don’t have the constant pressure

The way she laughed when asked about the meat grinder had so much subtext. She was laughing at the idea like, “Oh my gosh, you would think, right? Turns out you can’t even get a hand through there! Ugh lol!” She’s a cheerful murderer.  It lights her up.  I guess I admire people who love their work?

I’m seriously considering parting ways with this country after this. Partly because of the abyss, and partly because there’s a non-trivial amount of folks who love that abyss and their greatest joy is watching others fall into it - especially if those that slip are black or brown.  It’s exhausting and it’s a tough

I wasn’t a huge 1D fan because I am an Old but I've really enjoyed listening to all of the solo stuff that has been put out. I like Niall the best of the group. I've had this album on repeat since it came out and I'm pretty happy with it. Dear Patience is probably my favorite. 

Right?! I guess this is what British white nationalism looks like. Good lord, that poor woman. I am glad she’s getting out of that gig.

I used to read SNS sporadically and now I am here like clockwork for this update. Thank you so much! My kitty died in the middle of last year and I haven’t been sure I’ll ever be ready to love another one. This reminds me there’s so many good kitties out there who need a home. I appreciate you.

Ugh, Jimmy Kimmel! Ben Affleck was trying to tell a story that obviously meant a lot to him and Kimmel couldn’t stop talking over him. WTF? Also, Adam Driver is a heck of a guy for doing that for his friend.

I was way too old to have been a Jonas fan when they were famous before. Now I’m actually really loving their music and the fact that they seem to be living their best lives. They and their wives just make me happy because they seem so happy, you know?

Thank you for sharing.  That link filled my morning with joy. And horror.  But mostly joy.

I just felt exhausted by even reading that.  Ugh.

That’s a great point I hadn't considered. Thank you!

100% this 

Ohmygosh, Yay! I'm so happy for Bruce! He's a very good boy and he deserves that forever home. 

I had not seen that but it sounds spot on.  And very sad.  I feel bad for those kids. Thanks for sharing that.