Reminds me of that one puzzle from Riven. Speaking of which, why hasn't one of us geeks created the Minecraft version of the Myst island yet?
Reminds me of that one puzzle from Riven. Speaking of which, why hasn't one of us geeks created the Minecraft version of the Myst island yet?
Wow... I don't know whether to call this the best life hack or the worst...
@cyberguy91: But the tripod folds up and fits in any corner or closet, no? I *could* see this being a good hack if he had built the lights (and even a small display) into the overhead, power supply and all, reducing ANY need for set up. As it stands it does what a tripod does. It seems like a good springboard for…
For anyone asking "who doesn't have a scanner" the overhead camera would make swapping pages and documents that much quicker. Of course, there's no reason why a simple tripod wouldn't be just as effective.
I thought this was going to be silly but it's actually incredibly creative. That guy has some talent too.
Just so we're clear: we all agree that the attached picture is unpleasant to look at, right?
Looks like my friends and I will once again be lining up outside Nintendo World New York!
Perhaps a MacX user can tell us what makes it better (or worse) than the aesthetically superior Handbrake?
@LucasTizma: Rodents Revenge?
@LucasTizma: I forgot about Jezz Ball. Jezz Ball was fantastic, Pipe Dream was fantastic, Space Cadet pinball was fantastic.
@LucasTizma: Chip's Challenge was actually really fun with it's Zelda-esque puzzles.
@Setzer IIDX: About this list.
@dallasmay: But... but it's a Super Harvest Moon.
Meant to reply down below...
Don't lie, you were thinkin' it.
@GamerOfFreedom: I'm like my mother, I stereotype. It's faster that way.
@diasdiem: Not gonna lie, I was going to say the same exact thing. Who else?
@PsymonM77: This... this can't be happening!
@Erwin: Not the best but certainly not bad.