
Or maybe you’re being acute.

Just sent this to Apple via the Apple Developers site:

You’re an idiot.

Your name is Sean. Sean is your name. That is all.

No. I wish.

Now playing

Actually I skipped a step: you don’t create the Bitcoin address at, you look it up there afterward. You create the address in the first place using You do it in a standalone app on your computer, whilst not connected to the Internet.

To answer your question, when you move the money over


Okay, when you buy Bitcoin (and that is the correct plural, no S), you do so on a PAPER WALLET.

Then keep that safe. To do that, buy the Bitcoin at Coinbase, then create a new Bitcoin address at, transfer the loot to that new address in Coinbase, then print out the wallet. No more money in

You mad bro?

Or the artist may be black. And he’s trying to say, look how purposeful and hardworking this individual corn pop is.

And you people do know that corn pops, especially cartoon ones, are not people, right?

Is it really browner? Maybe I’m not seeing so well. They all look like corn pops to me. You people do know that corn pops are not people, right?

You said “naked.”

So this supposedly happened in 1986? And he’s just now telling the story? Why does everyone always wait until the statute of limitations is passed? Oh, right. Because it’s a lie.

Yes, that.

I had that exact same dream. Uncanny.

The lowest priced plan available to Southern Californians of ANY income level are more than $650 per month now, and some of those options are not even available in all areas. So I don’t know where the article’s author gets their info. And BTW, that plan has a $6,000.00 deductible.

Now playing

I’m going with the latter. If you watch the movie Soaked in Bleach on Netflix, I think you will agree.

So it’s better than constantly texting “Where u at?”

Oh yeah? Well I read yours a hundred times.

Because chocolate is delicious.

You’re not supposed to get under something, you’re supposed to get down NEXT to something in order to take advantage of the Triangles of Safety.