
Yeah, but after that four hour epic experience is finished on the first night that you sit down and play a game, what about the next night? What do you do then? What about the night after that? Sure, maybe you can go out and get the next game, if it is even out yet. You can forget about gaming all together for a

Red, Black, and White only, make for a great color scheme. I learned this on my own, through trial and error, back in the day, as an art student in college. I dont always stick to it, but here are some personal pieces that honor it... I live in Japan, by the way, in case you didn`t already realize that.

Awe, no love for my No Contest... I`ll try harder next week.

Combat looks awkward. I hate cover mechanics in games. I like my shooting, and character movements to be smooth, quick, and responsive, like Saints Row, and hopefully the new GTA 5.

This is where I live.

This is where I am from.

The title of this article is just weird. This whole story is about Mario and Luigi: Dream Team, which is known in Japan as Mario & Luigi RPG 4: Dream Adventure. I live in Japan, and I watched it just come out, and I can assure you that it is on Japanese store shelves right now. So, I really have no fucking clue as to

To be honest, Patricia, ever since you claimed to be a fan of Yeezus, you have lost a lot of credibility, for me.

So, I live in Japan. It seems, I always have to say that, just to clarify my position first. Anyway, I have been playing Dark Souls: Artorias of the Abyss Edition, in Japanese. Man, for a game that is already stingy about giving the player information, it is even worse when all those little notes and hints scattered

I wish he would just say the correct ones, instead of all the wrong ones, it hurts my ears, and it`s implanting falsness into my mind, which I absolutly will not stand for, so I turned his ass off.

As a gamer, I don`t really care how much money a company makes. I mean, I hope that a company who makes dope ass games that I like, makes money, so they can afford to keep making more dope ass games that I like, but still... The think I truly want them to make, is great games, not money. Look at smart phone games and

LOL... I am smiling though... I was in the Navy... Cursing is fun for us Sailors... It tickles us... and people wonder why I don`t fit in with regular society... I stopped being ABC Family Night, a long ass fucking time ago...

OUYA isn`t a part of any generation... LMFAO... OUYA is a fucking joke... It isn`t even on my radar... little shit bag gaming device, like a damn game on your fucking digital watch. Get the fuck out of here... LOL...

Now playing

I don`t get why people have repeatedly said that the Wii U is better than the PS3/360. I guess that is to prove that it is not a part of the PS3/360 generation, but to me that comparison seems to do more harm than good for that argument. Why? Because you are still putting those 3 consoles in one sentance, on group,

Terrifying. Imagine the angry faces when AI`s will award us with, once they become self aware, and become upset with us.

Now playing

I am not saying that the Wii U`s graphics can`t come close to Skyrim. I am saying that the Wii`s graphics can`t come close to a PS3`s or a 360`s. That is why there was no Skyrim on the weak ass fucking Wii. Now, in the dawn of the next generation, Nintendo is repeating that same error all over again. Sure, the Wii U

If you think that most of humanity agreeing on something, that makes it true, you are wrong. Go ahead and agree with everyone else, if that makes you feel smart, like you know what you ae talking about. Many people will agree with you, and tell you that you are smart, if you choose to take that path. Personally, I

Good points, though all the systems you are talking about don`t really count, not as main stream systems. I mean the people who had a Sega, had a Genesis, and no one had a fucking Neo Geo, or a 3DO.

The Vita is the shit. I live in Japan, and while there is still a big lack of games out here, I think it is not as bad as it is in the states. There is at least one semi quality game realesed for Vita eevery month out here. All it really needs is more games though, the system is solid. It is actually the dopest

I live in Japan, and that means that I have to consider all the Japanese PS4 games, that will never make it to the states, or the Xbox One. On top of that, by buying a PS4, I will have the satisfaction of knowing that I didn`t give any money to the guy who just tried to fuck me up the ass.