
Who gives a fuck whos project it is? Let`s think of a famous Japanese guy... Key up the Jepoardy music while I look his name up... Hideo Kojima, lets say he wanted to make a movie based upon a non-Japanese culture`s history, lets say the American Civil war, just for fucks sake. How fucked up would it look to have him

I feel that way in Japan a lot. That is why I stay at home and write on Kotaku for my socialization. Well, that and you guys speak English.

I live in Japan, a lot of this film looks like it could have been shot in my neighborhood, pre-special effects of course. That is the thing about living in Japan. We are not really that much better off financially, and I am definitely worse off socially, but still... Nothing beats living in such a gorgeous place.

Man, I read the title of this story wrong. I thought it said the future of gaming will have a lot of fancy "Lightning." I was expecting something along the lines of these shots of GTA5 or FF.

I think there is a problem when cultures view other cultures in an overly fantastic light.

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Well, I`m saying, know how to spell what you are spelling, and know what that which you are spelling, truly means. Otherwise, you will just confuse people who actually do know what shit means, people who know more than you perhaps. Doggy Dogg World is one thing, a song my rapper Snoop Dogg. Dog-Eat-Dog is something

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LMFAO @ Hate O` Clock... Funnier than the original...

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If you are ever hesitant about Splinter Cell being dope or not, just listen to this...

Man, the Jackdaw does look like a cool fucking ship. Like the Black Pearl, or the Enterprise, I can she how she will become a true character, in her own right. Admitedly, I thought she was named the Jack Dog, and the gangster in me wanted to throw an extra g on her name, making her the Jack Dogg, but still... Ah fuck

Well for me, when I am reading, and somone writes something incorrectly, it is a huge immersion breaker. I was following their train of thought, we were chugging right along, and then BAM, we get derailed. Sure, most of the time, I can figure out what they meant to write, but I am not usually one to pick up an

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Ahem, when attempting to write "doggy dog world," you have to spell dog, with two g`s. D Oh Double G, just like Snoop, got it?

They`re called guns in reality.

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They thing is, they should have just picked girls at the character selection screen. Why pick Johnny Cage, and then dress him like Sonya Blade? Just pick Sonya to begin with, or just let her kiss you, kill you, and pick her next time.

Disliking Mario is synonymous with disliking gaming in general. Since this is Kotaku, I suggest you fuck off, hater. I will always love Mario. In fact, the only thing that sucks about 2D Mario, is that they haven`t went the route of Madden yet, making yearly editions of 2D Mario, like Mario `13 and shit. I swear I

I think the big difference between last gen and this gen, will be most apparent in massive open world games. Instead of grass, rocks, buildings, trees, cars, and other objects popping or fading into reality as we guide ourselves closer to them, they will already be there, a lot sooner than we are used to too. Shadows

To add to Frank`s description, I have this to add about the Yakuza. Imagine them as the Mafia, as opposed to Gangstas. They wear suits, act like buisnessmen, and live by a different code than the street gangs in America. Honestly, there are respectable aspects to both worlds. On the one hand, a Yakuza member probably

Another words would have been better if you had written it as "in other words." That way, you would at least have a chance at sounding intelligent.

Kanye is wack as fuck. This Belly intro is way better than that video, and the shit came out a long ass FUCKING time ago. Yeezus, watch and learn kid.