
I have been studying Japanese so intensely, that I forgot about the Spanish word Gato. In Japanese, the word for cat is Neko. Thanks for reminding me... it is a good suggestion... I also thought about shortening it to simply J.C. That could be taken as Johnny Cat, or Jesus Christ, which is fitting since we named our

Funny Business!

I was thinking about Game of Thrones, after I took this picture of my new kittens. It just seems like it`s on some Daenerys Targaryen type shit. Doesn`t it? Here is a pic of her, for reference...

Fucking Bravo! You have single handedly reinstiled my faith that inteligence can exist in humanity beyond my own.

"I'll take 'butt-hurt fan-boy' for $500 then Alex"

That Mario is enough to make me cave in and finally get a Wii U.

I am glad Nintendo is redoing all their old games. My 8 year old son and I can play many of these redone classics together, and we have a great time, without having to find the originals, or play some ROM on an Emulator. We recently just got Donkey Kong Returns.

Sometimes, I play as "The Ray Sefo" LOL... Just going around fucking shit up, not even trying to win, since I won`t win anyways. One time, I was acting like a suicide bomber. I would pull the pin of my grenade, and just wait and let it cook off in my hand, but I would attempt to run near enimies right as it would

"If they're going to set the game in Japan, then give the characters Japanese faces, too."

”Yakuza Series Developer Offers His Opinion On the New Consoles”

Now playing

When I read "It`s The Hook That Brings You Back" I was thinking of something more along the lines of this...

As far as offline pass codes go, if your console isn`t hooked up to the internet, how would your PS4 know that a pass code was already used or not? Theoretically, you could have four PS4`s sitting in your basement, all hooked up to different TV`s, and not connected ot the internet, and input the same disk and code

As far as offline pass codes go, if your console isn`t hooked up to the internet, how would your PS4 know that a pass code was already used or not? Theoretically, you could have four PS4`s sitting in your basement, all hooked up to different TV`s, and not connected ot the internet, and input the same disk and code

You know what is fucking outdated? It is the concept that there really are good and bad guys. I really supported Medal of Honor 2010`s decision to allow you to play as the Taliban. For those who are unfamiliar, in the game`s multiplayer, you switched back and forth between controling a U.S. soldier, and a Taliban

Yeah, a lot of my boys back home are envious of my scooter too. They talk about getting one. They are so economical, etc. The problem is, back in Michigan, the roads are so fucked up. A lot of them are dirt, and even the paved ones are all cracked to shit, with potholes. They are really poorly maintained. In Japan,

LOL, after the Navy, I took my wife home to Detroit. After a few years, she took me back to Japan...