
Wait just a minute here... isn`t it already pretty much decided that the Xbox One sucks, and no one wants to buy it? What a stupid system to develop a dope ass new game for, somewhere that no one will be able to play it? Good luck with that... By the way, I am only halfway kidding.

Yo, I swear to God I was just watching some WWII Nazi shit on the History Channel today, and I started thinking that it`s about time for some more WWII games. Sure, all the old Call of Duties were set back then, along with a shit load of other games, and the rise of the modern military shooter was grand and all, but

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Many people are fine with being wack. Personally, I think that being dope as fuck is better, and I would advise you to do the same, but I realized long ago that ya`ll don`t really hear me tho...

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Yeah, being wack sucks, but remember it is never to late to change...

I will try to help you understand why everyone who is, actually is so crazy about this game. Personally, I haven`t liked Rockstar`s protagonists lately. Niko was cool, but Cole Phelps was a bitch, John Marston was a bitch, Johnny Klebitz was a bitch, and even though Luis Fernando Lopez was sort of cool, he was still

Shit man, what about emulators? Whole consoles complete with libraries full of games existing today simply as MB`s of downloadable data? We used to have to pay for that shit. I remember mowing lawns as a kid so I could earn up enough money to buy Mortal Kombat. Back then, it was a must have game, but today you can

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I like it too. I studied fonts once in a typography class in college. Probably one of the best art classes I have ever taken. I actually learned something, and a lot of that something.

Yep, that fucking confirms it... I`m not getting one. I`ll just get a PS4 instead...

LOL... Finding a dubstep version of "99 Problems" that actually sounded decent has to be worth more than that... the other ones were fucking terrible...

LOL... Right on brother. We are on the same side. I just like out point out that blacks are not the only ones who have ever been the victims of racism, and whites are not the only perpetrators of it. Hopefully, some others will read our correspondence and learn a thing or two.

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I would prefer to recreate myself via a character creator, than accept some pre-made bitch ass dude that a game developer made for me. I don`t make some fat ass dude, running around in a thong, nut punching people. I make a little version of myself, tribal tattoos, bald head, goatee, sagging jeans, white tee, white

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I`m not surprised you can speak, nor am I inclined to praise your ability to do so, as though it is some spectacular feat, you are a human being after all. Also, the onyx hue of your black skin never gave me pause, or made me want to stare at you... I have seen brothers my whole life, grown up with them, along with

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Man, I gotta do it... Fuck GTA5, Watchdogs, AC4: Black flag, fuck all that shit!

I still say the SNES was way doper than the Wii or the WiiU...

I will not argue with your point about me not looking for problems. You`re right, I am not. In fact, I was so sick and tired of watching America`s Problem of the Week, every time I turned on the news, that I moved to Japan. Now, it really doesn`t matter if I glance at the newspaper, or flip past the news on T.V.,

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Evan, I feel you. I can appreciate the fact that no one at Capcom made a big deal out of the fact that she is black. They didn`t, as you say, infuse her with a generic stereotypical black girl voice, a la Big Momma from The Fox and the Hound...

I`m American, but I live in Japan, where mother fuckers used to war all the time and walk around with Katanas to the chop heads off fools who failed to show respect. Today, not so much. Japan has mostly the same video games as the states too, by the way. What we don`t have out here, are the same social problems...

I`m American, but I live in Japan, where mother fuckers used to war all the time and walk around with Katanas to the chop heads off fools who failed to show respect. Today, not so much. Japan has mostly the same video games as the states too, by the way. What we don`t have out here, is easy access to guns, drugs,