
Bullying is a complex problem, and it results from a variety of causes. Here are my thoughts... Toughness, or a lack of it. Sure, like everyone, I get picked on, and have gotten picked on throughout the course of my life. Then again, being 6'3 and crazy as fuck, I could always stop it by asking the offender to step

Finally. Now people who claim the Wii U is next gen, will loose all credibility.

It's not really a game, but I have been reading the book Shogun. I don't know why it took me so long to get around to it. I have lived in Japan for close to 5 years, one year this time and four while I was in the Navy. It is a great book, and has great insight into Japan and Japanese culture/attitudes. However, some

Those aren't games you play as cats, they are catlike humanoids. I want my Saint's Row: Dogs and Cats. At the start of the game, you pick a dog or a cat, choose its fur color, etc. Then, you are unleashed, as a stray, into the game world. I am imagining an open world game, as big as a city in GTA or SR, only instead

Now playing

Right! Who gives a fuck about Darksiders, anyways? They should have just made Saints Row 4, 5, and 6 while GTA was sleepin' Make them hoe's bow down... Gangsta's make the world go round...

Now playing

Anita Princess, but she's in another castle... POP QUIZ, ASSHOLE...

Yay, Patricia! You hit an even broader nail on the head than you intended. Here's what I mean. You wrote...

I always played these games as a human. Nothing beats packing that assault rifle, the motion tracker beeping, the red flair barely illuminating the dark space p-ways, being scared shitless while you wait for xeno's to pop out and slice your ass to bits. Nothing. You can fight and kill people in every game, even the

Is it ok to tell Ubisoft they suck for fucking up the release of Far Cry 3 in Japan? By that, I mean they had one Japanese Ubisoft site claiming it would be out in 2012, and another Japanese Ubisoft site claiming it would drop sometime in 2013... Thoroughly confused, I ordered an "Asian Edition" anyway off of

Anita point out... Games often use a helpless someone, as motivation for the hero's quest. If they made that helpless someone a man, that would make a lot of people feel gay as fuck like why I am supposed to go help this weak ass dude, why can't he help himself? Why do I even care so much about helping this guy, am I

Anita... Hmmm...

I love it... It's perfect...

Fix your wall bro... that shit looks as terrible as the rest of you. Judging by presentation alone, I doubt his employer lost much by canning this POS. Just sayin'...

I like that site. You could say you idea is to big. You could say your bank account is too small. You could say minimum wage needs to pay me about 500,000 more each year. You could want to work for a big studio. You could want a big studio to work for you. I think the only way to get what I want, would be to win the

I'm not interested in that... I hate those sort of non-games. If I am gonna dream, I'd rather dream that I was the head of a huge company with a bunch of programmers, artists, and other skilled people, only I get to direct them all to make the sort of game I want to play. I am tired of them releasing games that I

LOL... So... that's why I haven't...

So we recently took a weekend trip to my uncle in law's home. We went to a temple during a festival, and other exciting places in Kure, Hiroshima, Japan. One of these, was a Japanese naval museum ( honoring the real Yamato Battleship. It was very impressive, and interesting for me. I

This shit, and I mean that in the most respectful way, has been out for like a year over here in Japan. Then again, they already released today here too, while you won't get your hands on it until tomorrow.

Everything needs more hover. You can't go wrong with more hover...