
I was rather uncomfortable too and thought you were over analyzing before I watched it (nope) but the whole thing seems too self-aware for her to have tripped up here. I think it's 1) a reference to the sexualization of WoC and their appropriation (a la Miley Cyrus) 2) the extreme sexualization of black women in music

Well, she now has a reputation as being an idiot. That's the consequence. And I hope that when you—like me—inevitably say something idiotic that offends someone, that you'll be as tough on yourself.

Minstrelsy and blackface are not taught in many high schools. I went to a great high school but I didn't truly learn what blackface was until I was in college.

Is it odd that someone her age doesn't know how offensive blackface is? I think it is.

Is "priviledged" the new all-purpose insult?

I must have missed the part where he ignored a lack of consent or coerced anybody. Every woman that said no, he moved away from or disengaged immediately. In one case the other girl had her arms extended as he approached for the hug (which he announced he was doing).

There's a great argument going on over there about what constitutes sexual assault, and one dude likens this shitshow to getting hugs from your grandma. One person responded, "Does your grandma rub her naked vagina on you when she hugs you?"

Kate McKinnon is probably the funniest person at SNL right now.

Not for nothin', many of the recipes you recall from childhood have changed... for the cheaper. For instance: I'd bet my life Cracker Jacks did not contain HFCS before the 1990s.

Nothing in life, nothing, is ever so good as it is when you are a child.

PUMPKIN SPICE EVERYTHING IS THE BEST! I will become queen of the post-PSF world, with my pumpkin soup, SF pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin bread, pumpkin cheesecake and pumpkin pies.

Isn't it really, unbelievably narcissistic that there are people who look at someone crying and immediately conclude it's about THEM?

Somehow it always becomes "a joke" when the shit hits the fan. A joke that the great unwashed masses are blamed for not getting. What's next? A fauxpology?

I would say that most of us can see some humor in the joke about the racial composition of staff, that's been a long standing issue of discussion here and you are far from the first to point it out. Your implication that Pompeo should shut up because she's a skinny white girl is what people took offense to —

(Note to self - do not make any more jokes on Jezebel articles if you don't want a flood of comments from the professionally offended.)

Not going to lie, if they sold a box of tampons that looked like a box of crayons, I would probably buy it just for the novelty. Bonus points if all the wrappers are different colors.

No I didn't change my argument in the middle at all. I said "science has not decided this issue definitely yet. We don't know when fetuses can feel pain." Then I said "but for the sake of argument let's assume that you're correct and that an 8 month fetus can feel pain, we still can't make a sweeping blanket statement

Whether or not fetuses can feel pain and whether or not they can `100% feel everything` are two different things. You altered your argument in the middle of your comment. We do know that at 8 months, a fetus feel *something*. I`m saying that `something`is worth enough for you to have compassion for it, regardless of

Dammit, I did NOT sign up for the dark and depressing dystopian cyberpunk future. I signed up for the spiffy, shiny Jetson's one. I demand to speak to a manager about this!

I`m not sure why you can`t have empathy for both the mother and her child, baby, fetus, etc. At month 8, if she miscarried tomorrow (I`m not saying due to weightlifting, go mom!), that baby would feel everything. If the baby survived that pregnancy but died an hour later, that baby would feel everything. Regardless of