
The issue at large (though not so much for this article) isn't female representation in any particular work, but rather in global trends. Obviously write the best story you can (though in the superhero genre, I would argue that the bar is already set pretty damn low). Let me use the work you mentioned as an example.


:D I'm sorry, I know no one likes a pedant

nobody musicians often go on late because they are waiting for the crowd to grow a bit. Very few people turn up at the time the show is supposed to start. Though, a lot of times, one or all of the musicians just didnt fucking show up on time or there are tech difficulties etc.

But with musicians that are booking and

that's hilarious, but I cant help but think that if actually trying this (myself) would be a mistake.

I used the diplomatic may or may not because I was including trans people. Now, on its own is there is nothing silly about being transgender, but I feel like there are more than a few people on tumblr who are calling themselves trans because maybe they like to wear men's shirts (if girls) or women's tights (if boys).

There's also a "look at those NERDS!" aspect to it. This would be less ridiculous (though still ridiculous for the reasons you pointed out) if it were original content rather then fan fiction. As it stands many of us might look at this and thing "woah, those nerds are way too into their favourite TV show." It's

the method of belief in Judaism takes a slightly different flavour than Christianity. It's not so much about faith as it is covenant. It's about keeping up your end of the bargain. So not practicing and not believing are much closer in Judaism than they are in Christianity.

Not enough? I say we just shit can the whole superhero genre for 10 years. Even if we solve sexism and racism in superheroes, we would still have to deal with them being butt. I say it's easier just to have a moratorium on the genre for a little while.

I think a lot of this has to do with what sphere we're talking about. Online, I think Sam's perspective is pretty apt, or at least, I've noticed the same.

However, in person, most of the serious and/or academic feminists tend to also be pretty vocal atheists.

He was attacked AFTER he violated her privacy, and we have only his word that he was even attacked at all. If a known racist says he was attacked, I bet it's more likely she accidentally bumped into him.

Not only that, we have only his word that he even WAS assaulted.

agreed, if that was her thesis, it failed. She looks pretty badass.

I know there are people practicing Judaism that represent a wide range of ethnic groups. I was only trying to point out that when Oldman said "Town run by Jews" he was probably referring to the ethnic and cultural group that is most visible in North America, and thus the analogy to "town run by Christians" doesn't

I think when he said Jews he was referring to the ethnic/cultural group rather than religious adherents.

African-Americans are responsible for the majority of violent crime in the USA, and it's not because African-Americans are more violent. You don't think that maybe there are some lurking variables you're missing?

I think whatever negative reaction that the endfathersday thing spawned can't really be attributed to any kind of feminism (even radfems). I think the negative reaction is almost entirely due to the internet outrage machine, which is present in any kind of internet community, whether it's feminism, heavy metal,

YES! I do not understand why singers can't just sing with their natural voice anymore.

I want to add to your education point. Another reason men are under preforming in schools is because studying and scholastic pursuit are increasingly becoming seen as feminine, especially among boys at the primary school level. When academics are praised in a masculine perspective it's with characters like Dr. House

Now playing

I can't get behind this. It's like she's trying to sound like Billie Holiday crossed with a 6 year old.

Don't have much to add to this conversation, but I want to say that the way you're putting words together...fucking MAGICAL! I'm not even talking about the strength of your argument (strong though it is), but just as simple as how you've put words together. Pleasure to read.