Eric Cartman

They make e-books in paper form?

*crawls out from behind wall

@Wax: 31st?

@STEVE_H0LT: @itsBowden: Not magical enough for Jobs' tastes

@Webran61: I have a white iPhone 3G, white sucks

@Wozamil: I have the universal dock, and all my iPhones with cases fit nicely.. more expensive though /:

To all those who are unsatisfied...

People seriously need to shut the fuck up about this issue, Ok, so your EVO doesnt have the problem, great.

Didn't the Russians nuke their oil leaks? why not do that? :D

What if they do for an update?

I'd like to see HP really push webOS, I have an iPhone, but I think webOS is just amazing, it has so much great potential with HP and their resources, so dont screw it up HP